# Module pylabfea.training
'''Module pylabfea.training introduces methods to create training data for ML flow rule
in shape of unit stresses that are evenly distributed in the stress space to
define the load cases for which the critical stress tensor at which plastic yielding
starts needs to be determined.
uses NumPy, ScipPy, MatPlotLib, sklearn, and pyLabFEA.basic
Version: 4.0 (2021-11-27)
Authors: Ronak Shoghi, Alexander Hartmaier, ICAMS/Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Email: alexander.hartmaier@rub.de
distributed under GNU General Public License (GPLv3)
Subroutines int_sin_m, primes and uniform_hypersphere have been adapted from
code published by Stack Overflow under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license, see
These subroutines are distributed here under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
from pylabfea.basic import sig_eq_j2
import numpy as np
from itertools import count
from scipy.special import gamma
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, confusion_matrix, \
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
[docs]def int_sin_m(x, m):
'''Computes the integral of sin^m(t) dt from 0 to x recursively
x : float
Upper limit of integration
m : int
Power of trigonometric function to be considered
f : float
Value of integral
if m == 0:
hh = x
elif m == 1:
hh = 1. - np.cos(x)
hh = (m-1)/m * int_sin_m(x, m-2) - np.cos(x)*np.sin(x)**(m-1)/m
return hh
[docs]def primes():
'''Infinite generator of prime numbers'''
yield from (2, 3, 5, 7)
composites = {}
ps = primes()
p = next(ps)
assert p == 3
psq = p * p
for i in count(9, 2):
if i in composites: # composite
step = composites.pop(i)
elif i < psq: # prime
yield i
else: # composite, = p*p
assert i == psq
step = 2 * p
p = next(ps)
psq = p * p
i += step
while i in composites:
i += step
composites[i] = step
[docs]def load_cases(number_3d, number_6d, method='brentq'):
'''Generate unit stresses in principal stress space (3d) and full stress space (6d)
number_3d : int
Number of principal unit stresses to be created
number_6d : int
Number of full unit stresses to be created
allsig : (number_3d+number6d, 6)-array
Unit stresses
sig_3d = np.zeros((number_3d, 6))
sig_3d[:,0:3] = uniform_hypersphere(3, number_3d, method=method)
sig_6d = uniform_hypersphere(6, number_6d)
allsig = np.concatenate((sig_3d, sig_6d))
seq = sig_eq_j2(allsig)
ind = np.nonzero(seq < 1.e-3)[0]
if len(ind) > 0:
print('WARNING: Small stresses detected:', ind)
allsig /= seq[:, None]
return allsig
[docs]def training_score(yf_ref, yf_ml, plot=True):
'''Calculate the accuracy of the training result in form of different measures
as compared to given reference values.
yf_ref : (N,)-array
Yield function values of reference material
yf_ml : (N,)-array
Yield function values of ML material at identical sequence of stresses
at which reference material is evaluated.
mae : float
Mean Average Error
precision : float
Ratio of true positives w.r.t. all positives
Accuracy : float
Ratio of true positives and true negative w.r.t. all results
Recall : float
Ratio of true positives w.r.t. true positives and false negatives
F1Score : float
F1 score
res_yf_ref = np.sign(yf_ref)
ind = np.nonzero(np.abs(res_yf_ref)<0.9)[0]
res_yf_ref[ind] = 1. # change points with yf=0 to +1
res_yf_ml = np.sign(yf_ml)
ind = np.nonzero(np.abs(res_yf_ml)<0.9)[0]
res_yf_ml[ind] = 1. # change points with yf=0 to +1
if plot:
cm = confusion_matrix(res_yf_ref, res_yf_ml)
cmd = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cm, display_labels=['Elastic','Plastic'])
TP = 0
FN = 0
FP = 0
TN = 0
for i in range(len(res_yf_ref)):
if (res_yf_ref[i] == 1) & (res_yf_ml[i] == 1):
if (res_yf_ref[i] == 1) & (res_yf_ml[i] == -1):
if (res_yf_ref[i] == -1) & (res_yf_ml[i] == 1):
if (res_yf_ref[i] == -1) & (res_yf_ml[i] == -1):
mae = mean_absolute_error(yf_ref, yf_ml)
print("Mean Absolut Error is",mae)
print('True Positives:',TP)
print('True Negatives:',TN)
print('False Positives:',FP)
print('False Negatives:',FN)
precision = (TP)/(TP+FP)
Accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN)
Recall = (TP)/(TP+FN)
F1Score = 2*(Recall * precision) / (Recall + precision)
return mae, precision, Accuracy, Recall, F1Score