# Module pylabfea.material
"""Module pylabfea.material introduces class ``Material`` that contains attributes and methods
needed for elastic-plastic material definitions in FEA. It also enables the training of
machine learning algorithms as yield functions for plasticity.
The module pylabfea.model is used to calculate mechanical properties of a defined material
under various loading conditions.
uses NumPy, ScipPy, MatPlotLib, sklearn, pickle, and pyLabFEA.model
Version: 4.1 (2022-01-23)
Authors: Alexander Hartmaier, Ronak Shoghi, ICAMS/Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Email: alexander.hartmaier@rub.de
distributed under GNU General Public License (GPLv3)"""
from pylabfea.basic import a_vec, b_vec, \
eps_eq, sig_polar_ang, yf_tolerance, \
sig_eq_j2, sig_cyl2princ, sig_princ, sig_dev, sig_princ2cyl
from pylabfea.model import Model
from pylabfea.training import load_cases
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from sklearn import svm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import warnings
import pickle
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
import platform
import getpass
# ==========================
# define class for materials
# ==========================
class Material(object):
"""Define class for Materials including material parameters (attributes), constitutive relations (methods)
and derived properties und various loading conditions (dictionary).
name : str
Name of material (optional, default: 'Material')
num : int
Material number (optional, default: 1)
name : str
Name of material
num : int
Material number
sy : float
Yield strength
ML_yf : Boolean
Existence of trained machine learning (ML) yield function (default: False)
ML_grad : Boolean
Existence of trained ML gradient (default: False)
dev_only : Boolean
Consider only deviatoric stress tensor (default: False)
tresca : Boolean
Indicate if Tresca equivalent stress should be used (default: False)
hill_3p : Boolean
Indicates whether 3-paramater Hill model should be used (default: False)
hill_6p : Boolean
Indicates whether 6-paramater Hill model should be used (default: False)
barlat : Boolean
Indicate if Barlat equivalent stress should be used (default: False)
msg : dictionary
Messages returned
prop : dictionary
Derived properties under defined load paths
propJ2 : dictionary
Derived properties in form of J2 equivalent stress
sigeps : dictionary
Data of stress-strain curves under defined load paths
C11, C12, C44 : float
Anisotropic elastic constants
E, nu : float
Isotropic elastic constants, Young modulus and Poisson number
msparam : ditionary
Dicitionary with microstructural parameters assigned to this material
whdat : Boolean
Indicates existence of work hardening data
txdat : Boolean
Indicates existance of data for different textures
Ndof : int
degress of freedom for yield function, mandatory: 1:seq, 2:theta; optional: 3:work_hard, 4:texture)
Keyword Arguments
prop-propJ2 :
Store properties of material (Hill-formulation or J2 formulation) in sub-dictonaries:
'stx' (tensile horiz. stress), 'sty' (tensile vert. stress),
'et2' (equibiaxial tensile strain), 'ect' (pure shear)
stx-sty-et2-ect : sub-dictionaries
Store data for 'ys' (float - yield strength), seq (array - eqiv. stress),
'eeq' (array - equiv. total strain), 'peeq' (array - equiv. plastic strain),
'sytel' (str - line style for plot), 'name' (str - name in legend)
sigeps :
Store tensorial stress strain data in sub-directories;
Contains data for 'sig' (2d-array - stress), 'eps' (2d-array - strain),
'epl' (2d-array - plastic strain)
msparam :
Store data on microstructure parameters: 'Npl', 'Nlc, 'Ntext', 'texture', 'peeq_max', 'work_hard', 'flow_stress'
are obtained from data analysis module. Other parameters can be added.
msg :
Messages that can be retrieved: 'yield_fct', 'gradient', 'nsteps', 'equiv'
# Methods
# elasticity: define elastic material parameters C11, C12, C44
# plasticity: define plastic material parameter sy, khard
# epl_dot: calculate plastic strain rate
def __init__(self, name='Material', num=1):
self.khard = None
self.ind_tx = None
self.ind_wh = None
self.epc = None
self.Nset = None
self.grid = None
self.C_yf = None
self.svm_yf = None
self.gam_yf = None
self.scale_text = None
self.scale_wh = None
self.scale_seq = None
self.CV = None
self.C11 = None
self.C12 = None
self.C44 = None
self.name = name
self.num = num
self.sy = None # Elasticity will be considered unless sy is set
self.ML_yf = False # use conventional plasticity unless trained ML functions exists
self.ML_grad = False # use conventional gradient unless ML function exists
self.dev_only = False # use only deviatoric stresses in ML feature vector
self.tresca = False # use J2 or Hill equivalent stress unless defined otherwise
self.barlat = False # Use Barlat equiv. stress if parameters are given
self.msparam = None # parameters for primary microstructure
self.whdat = False
self.txdat = False
self.Ndof = 2
self.hill_6p = False
self.sdim = None # dimensionality of stress space to be considered in ML flow rules
self.root_method = 'brentq'
self.msg = {
'yield_fct': None,
'gradient': None,
'nsteps': 0,
'equiv': None
self.prop = { # stores strength and stress-strain data along given load paths
'stx': {'ys': None, 'seq': None, 'eeq': None, 'peeq': None, 'style': None, 'name': None},
'sty': {'ys': None, 'seq': None, 'eeq': None, 'peeq': None, 'style': None, 'name': None},
'et2': {'ys': None, 'seq': None, 'eeq': None, 'peeq': None, 'style': None, 'name': None},
'ect': {'ys': None, 'seq': None, 'eeq': None, 'peeq': None, 'style': None, 'name': None}
self.propJ2 = { # stores J2 equiv strain data along given load paths
'stx': {'ys': None, 'seq': None, 'eeq': None, 'peeq': None},
'sty': {'ys': None, 'seq': None, 'eeq': None, 'peeq': None},
'et2': {'ys': None, 'seq': None, 'eeq': None, 'peeq': None},
'ect': {'ys': None, 'seq': None, 'eeq': None, 'peeq': None}
self.sigeps = { # calculates strength and stress strain data along given load paths
'stx': {'sig': None, 'eps': None, 'epl': None},
'sty': {'sig': None, 'eps': None, 'epl': None},
'et2': {'sig': None, 'eps': None, 'epl': None},
'ect': {'sig': None, 'eps': None, 'epl': None}
# =================================================================
# subroutines for elastic and plastic material behavior
# =================================================================
def response(self, sig, epl, deps, CV, maxit=50):
"""Calculate non-linear material response to deformation defined by load step,
corresponds to user material function.
sig : (6,) array
Voigt stress tensor at start of load step (=end of previous load step)
epl : (6,) array
Voigt plastic strain tensor at start of load step
deps : (6,) array
Voigt strain tensor defining deformation (=load step)
CV : (6,6) array
Voigt elastic tensor
maxit : int
Maximum number of iteration steps (optional, default= 5)
fy1 : real
Yield function at end of load step (indicates whether convergence is reached)
sig : (6,) array
Voigt stress tensor at end of load step
depl : (6,) array
Voigt tensor of plastic strain increment at end of load step
grad_stiff : (6,6) array
Tangent material stiffness matrix (d_sig/d_eps) at end of load step
sh = sig.shape
if sh != (6,) and sh != (3,):
raise ValueError(
'Only individual stress tensors supported in material.response. Shape of argument is {}'.format(sh))
# initialize quantities needed
sig = np.array(sig) # produce copy of sig to avoid changes to original
depl = np.zeros(6) # initialize plastic strain increment
toler = yf_tolerance * self.get_sflow(epl)
dsig = CV @ deps # predictor of stress increment
st_scal = 1.
niter = 0
# evaluate yield function for elastic predictor step
if self.ML_yf:
fy1 = self.ML_full_yf(sig + dsig, epl=epl)
fy1 = self.calc_yf(sig + dsig, epl=epl)
if fy1 < toler:
# purely elastic load step
sig += dsig # update stress
grad_stiff = np.array(CV) # gradient stiffness is elastic stiffness
# elastic predictor step reaches to plastic regime
fy0 = self.calc_yf(sig, epl=epl) # yield fct. at start of load step
if fy0 < -0.15:
# load step starts in elastic regime and ends in plastic regime
# must be split into elastic and plastic parts
if self.ML_yf:
# for categorial ML yield function, calculate fy0 as distance to yield surface
fy0 = self.ML_full_yf(sig) # distance of initial stress state to yield locus
st_scal += fy0 / self.calc_seq(dsig)
deps_el = deps * (1. - st_scal) # calculate elastic part of load step
sig += CV @ deps_el # update stress which lies now on yield locus
grad_stiff = CV * (1. - st_scal) # contribution to gradient stiffness
deps_r = deps - deps_el # remaining load step
# load step starts on yield locus
deps_r = np.array(deps) # create new variable to prevent deps from being changed
grad_stiff = np.zeros((6, 6)) # initialize stiffness matrix
# do a first trial step with full deps_r
ddepl = self.epl_dot(sig, epl, CV, deps_r) # plastic strain increment
t_stiff = self.C_tan(sig, CV, epl=epl) # tangent stiffness
eplt = epl + depl + ddepl
dsig = t_stiff @ deps_r # update stress with current tangent stiffness
# evaluate yield function at the end of this step
if self.ML_yf: # and self.msparam is not None:
fy1 = self.ML_full_yf(sig + dsig, epl=eplt)
fy1 = self.calc_yf(sig + dsig, epl=eplt)
# if remaining step deps_r is too large, better to subdivide it
if fy1 > toler:
# subdivide load step
deps_r /= maxit
nsteps = maxit
nsteps = 1
for niter in range(nsteps):
# at this stage, the initial stress sig should lie on the yield locus
# and the yield function fy1 points outside
# in the following, the remaining load step is performed
ddepl = self.epl_dot(sig, epl, CV, deps_r) # plastic strain increment
t_stiff = self.C_tan(sig, CV, epl=epl) # tangent stiffness
eplt = epl + depl + ddepl
dsig = t_stiff @ deps_r # update stress with current tangent stiffness
sig += dsig
# evaluate yield function at the end of this step
if self.ML_yf: # and self.msparam is not None:
fy1 = self.ML_full_yf(sig, epl=eplt)
fy1 = self.calc_yf(sig, epl=eplt)
if fy1 > toler:
# the step size was too large because it ends outside of the yield locus
# a correction is needed
# total strain must remain constant during this correction
# calculate compliance tensor
SV = np.zeros((6, 6))
i = (3 if CV[2, 2] > 1. else 2)
hh = np.linalg.inv(CV[0:i, 0:i]) # calculate inverse of sub-tensor
SV[0:i, 0:i] = hh
for i in range(3, 6):
if CV[i, i] > 1.: SV[i, i] = 1. / CV[i, i]
dsig = sig * fy1 / self.calc_seq(sig) # excess stress tensor
sig -= dsig # reduce stress about excess stress
ddepl += SV @ dsig # add plastic strain to balance the elastic strain, violation of volume
# conservation!
eplt = epl + depl + ddepl
# calculate tangent stiffness matrix for correction step
a = np.array([[deps_r[0], 0., 0., 0., deps_r[2], deps_r[1]],
[0., deps_r[1], 0., deps_r[2], 0., deps_r[0]],
[0., 0., deps_r[2], deps_r[1], deps_r[0], 0.]])
y = np.linalg.lstsq(a, dsig[0:3], rcond=None)
x = y[0]
Ct = np.zeros((6, 6))
Ct[0:3, 0:3] = np.array([[x[0], x[5], x[4]],
[x[5], x[1], x[3]],
[x[4], x[3], x[2]]])
t_stiff -= Ct
# update yield function
if self.ML_yf: # and self.msparam is not None:
fy1 = self.ML_full_yf(sig, epl=eplt)
fy1 = self.calc_yf(sig, epl=eplt)
grad_stiff += t_stiff * st_scal / nsteps
depl += ddepl
self.msg['nsteps'] = niter
return fy1, sig, depl, grad_stiff
def calc_yf(self, sig, epl=None,
accumulated_strain=0.0, max_stress=0.0,
ana=False, pred=False):
"""Calculate yield function
sig : (sdim,) or (N, sdim) array
Stresses (arrays of Voigt or principal stresses)
epl : (sdim, ) array
Equivalent plastic strain tensor (optional, default: 0)
ana : Boolean
Indicator if analytical solution should be used, rather than ML yield fct (optional, default: False)
pred : Boolean
Indicator if prediction value should be returned, rather than decision function (optional, default: False)
f : flot or 1d-array
Yield function for given stress (same length as sig)
sh = np.shape(sig)
if epl is None:
epl = np.zeros(self.sdim)
if type(epl) in (float, np.float64):
# if only PEEQ is provided convert it into an arbitrary plastic strain tensor
epl = epl * np.array([1., -0.5, -0.5, 0., 0., 0.])
if self.ML_yf and not ana:
if sh == (3,) or sh == (6,):
sig = np.array([sig])
N = 1
N = len(sig)
x = np.zeros((N, self.Ndof))
# Populate feature vector x with stress data
if self.sdim == 3:
x[:, 0] = sig_eq_j2(sig) / self.scale_seq - 1.
x[:, 1] = sig_polar_ang(sig) / np.pi
if self.dev_only:
sig = sig_dev(sig)
if sh == (N, 6) or sh == (6,):
x[:, 0:6] = sig[:, 0:6] / self.scale_seq
x[:, 0:3] = sig[:, 0:3] / self.scale_seq
# Add plastic strain + 2 extra dof for load reversals
if self.whdat:
x[:, self.ind_wh:self.ind_wh + self.sdim] = epl / self.scale_wh
x[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim] = accumulated_strain
x[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim + 1] = max_stress / self.scale_seq
if self.txdat:
ih = self.ind_tx
for i in range(self.Nset):
x[:, ih + i] = self.tx_cur[i] / self.scale_text[i] - 1.
if pred:
# use prediction, returns either -1 or +1
f = self.svm_yf.predict(x)
self.msg['yield_fct'] = 'ML_yf-predict'
# use continuous decision function in range [-1,+1]
f = self.svm_yf.decision_function(x)
self.msg['yield_fct'] = 'ML_yf-decision-fct'
if N == 1:
f = f[0]
f = self.calc_seq(sig) - self.get_sflow(epl)
self.msg['yield_fct'] = 'analytical'
return f
def ML_full_yf(self, sig, epl=None, ld=None, verb=True):
"""Calculate full ML yield function as distance of a single given stress
tensor to the yield locus in loading direction.
sig : (sdim,) array
Voigt stress tensor
epl : (sdim,) array
Equivalent plastic strain (optional, default: 0)
ld : (6,) array
Vector of loading direction in princ. stress space (optional)
verb : Boolean
Indicate whether to be verbose in text output (optional, default: False)
yf : float
Full ML yield function, i.e. distance of sig to yield locus in ld-direction
if epl is None:
epl = np.zeros(self.sdim)
sh = sig.shape
if sh != (3,) and sh != (6,):
raise ValueError(
'Only individual stress tensors supported in material.ML_full_yf. Shape of argument is {}'.format(sh))
seq = self.calc_seq(sig)
sflow = self.get_sflow(epl)
if seq < 0.01 and ld is None:
# return conservative estimate of yield function for small stresses
# and unknown loading direction
yf = seq - 0.85 * sflow
if ld is None:
# construct unit stress in loading direction
su = sig / seq
# convert ld to unit stress
hh = np.linalg.norm(ld[0:self.sdim])
if hh < 1.e-3:
warnings.warn('ML_full_yf called with inconsistent ld={}'.format(ld))
print('calling routine: ', sys._getframe().f_back.f_code.co_name)
hh = 1.
ld = np.zeros(self.sdim)
ld[0] = 1.
su = ld[0:self.sdim] * np.sqrt(1.5) / hh
if np.any(np.isnan(sig)) or np.any(np.isnan(su)):
print('NaN detected (MP_full_yf): sig={}, su={}'
.format(sig, su))
print('SEQ={}, ld={}, peeq={}'.format(seq, ld, eps_eq(epl)))
x0 = sflow # starting value of yield point search
if su[0] * su[1] < -1.e-5:
# correction of starting value for pure shear cases
if self.tresca:
x0 *= 0.4
x0 *= 0.5
x1 = x0
while self.calc_yf(x0 * su, epl=epl) >= 0. and x0 > 0.01:
# find x0 with negative yield fct
x0 *= 0.98
while self.calc_yf(x1 * su, epl=epl) < 0. and x1 < 5. * sflow:
# find x1 with positive yield fct
x1 *= 1.02
f0 = self.calc_yf(x0 * su, epl=epl)
f1 = self.calc_yf(x1 * su, epl=epl)
if f0 * f1 > 0.:
warnings.warn('ML_full_yf: Could not bracket yield function: '
+ 'sunit={}, x0={}, f0={}, x1={}, f1={}'
.format(su, x0, f0, x1, f1))
return seq - 0.85 * sflow
res = root_scalar(self.find_yloc_scalar, method=self.root_method,
bracket=[x0, x1],
args=(su, epl), xtol=1.e-5)
xs = res.root
if res.converged and xs < 4. * sflow:
# zero of ML yield fct. detected at x1*su
yf = seq - xs * self.calc_seq(su)
# zero of ML yield fct. not found: get conservative estimate
yf = seq - 0.85 * sflow
if verb:
ys = self.find_yloc_scalar(xs, su, epl)
print('*** detection not successful. yf={}, seq={}, ld={}, su:{}'.format(yf, seq, ld, su))
print('*** optimization result (x1={},y1={},msg={}):'.format(xs, ys, res))
return yf
def find_yloc(self, x, su, epl=None):
"""Function to expand unit stresses by factor and calculate yield
function; used by search algorithm to find zeros of yield function.
x : (N,)-array
Multiplyer for stress
su : (N,sdim) array
Unit stress
epl : (sdim,) array)
Plastic strain tensor (optional, default: None)
f : (N,)-array
Yield function evaluated at sig=x.sp
f = self.calc_yf(x[:, None] * su, epl=epl)
return f
def find_yloc_scalar(self, x, su, epl=None):
"""Function to expand unit stresses by factor and calculate yield
function; used by search algorithm to find zeros of yield function.
x : float
Multiplier for stress
su : (sdim,) array
Unit stress
epl : (sdim,) array)
Plastic strain tensor (optional, default: None)
f : float
Yield function evaluated at sig=x.sp
f = self.calc_yf(x * su, epl=epl)
return f
def calc_seq(self, sig):
"""Calculate generalized equivalent stress from stress tensor;
equivalent J2 stress for isotropic flow behavior and tension compression invariance;
Hill-type approach for anisotropic plastic yielding;
Drucker-like approach for tension-compression asymmetry;
Barlat 2004-18p model for plastic anisotropy;
Tresca equivalent stress
Step 1: transform input into
(i) sig: (N,6)-array of Voigt stresses (zeros added if input is princ. stresses)
(ii) sp: (N,3)-array of principal stresses
N=1 if input is single stress in which case return value is of type float
Step 2: Call appropriate subroutines for evaluation of equiv. stress. Currently supported are:
(i) Tresca
(ii) Barlat Yld2004-18p
(iii) Hill 3-parameter (hill_3p) or 6-parameter (hill_6p)
(iv) von Mises/J2 (special case of Hill with all coefficients equal 1,
material independent, works also for elastic and ML materials)
sig : (sdim,) or (N,sdim) array
Stress values (for dim=3 principal stresses are assumed, otherwise Voigt stress)
seq : float or (N,) array
Hill-Drucker-type equivalent stress
N = len(sig)
sh = np.shape(sig)
# Step 1: Transform input
if sh == (3,):
N = 1 # sp is single principal stress vector
sp = np.array([sig])
sig = np.array([[sig[0], sig[1], sig[2], 0, 0, 0]])
elif sh == (N, 3):
sp = np.array(sig)
sig = np.append(sig, np.zeros((N, 3)), axis=1)
elif sh == (6,):
N = 1
sp = sig_princ(sig)[0]
sp = np.array([sp])
sig = np.array([sig])
elif sh == (N, 6):
sp = sig_princ(sig)[0]
print('*** calc_seq: N={}, sh={}, caller={}'.format(N, sh, sys._getframe().f_back.f_code.co_name))
raise TypeError('Unknown format of stress in calc_seq')
# Step 2: call subroutines or evaluate von Mises/J2 equiv stress
if self.tresca:
# calculate Tresca equiv. stress
seq = np.amax(sp, axis=1) - np.amin(sp, axis=1)
elif self.barlat:
# calculate Baralat equiv. stress
seq = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(N):
seq[i] = self.calc_seqB(sig[i, :])
# calculate J2 or Hill equiv. stress
I1 = np.sum(sp, axis=1) / 3. # hydrostatic stress as 1st invariant
if self.sy is None:
# elastic material
hp = np.ones(3)
d0 = 0.
hp = self.hill
d0 = self.drucker
# consider anisotropy in flow behavior in second invariant in Hill-type approach
if self.hill_6p:
# equiv. stress for full 6-parameter Hill model
I2 = hp[0] * np.square(sig[:, 0] - sig[:, 1]) + \
hp[1] * np.square(sig[:, 1] - sig[:, 2]) + \
hp[2] * np.square(sig[:, 2] - sig[:, 0]) + \
6. * hp[3] * np.square(sig[:, 3]) + \
6. * hp[4] * np.square(sig[:, 4]) + \
6. * hp[5] * np.square(sig[:, 5])
I2 *= 0.5
self.msg['equiv'] = '6-parameter Hill, full Voigt stress'
# print('Full stress', np.sqrt(I2))
# standard: equiv. stress based on princ. stresses with 3-parameter Hill model
# calculate Hill or J2 equiv. stress (latter is default, all Hill parameters = 1)
d12 = sp[:, 0] - sp[:, 1]
d23 = sp[:, 1] - sp[:, 2]
d31 = sp[:, 2] - sp[:, 0]
I2 = 0.5 * (hp[0] * np.square(d12) + hp[1] * np.square(d23) + hp[2] * np.square(d31))
self.msg['equiv'] = '3-parameter Hill'
# eqiv stress including hydrostatic stress for tension-compression asymmetry
seq = np.sqrt(I2) + d0 * I1 # generalized eqiv. stress
if N == 1:
seq = seq[0]
return seq
def calc_seqB(self, sv):
"""Calculate equivalent stress based on Yld2004-18p yield function
proposed by Barlat et al, Int. J. Plast. 21 (2005) 1009
sv : (6,) array
Voigt stress tensor
seq : float
Equivalent stress
sd = sig_dev(sv)
st1 = self.Bar_m1 @ sd # first linearly transformed stress deviator s_tilda_'
st2 = self.Bar_m2 @ sd # second linearly transformed stress deviator s_tilda_''
Stp1 = sig_princ(st1)[0] # principal stress of transformed stress
Stp2 = sig_princ(st2)[0]
a = self.barlat_exp
seq = np.abs(Stp1[0] - Stp2[0]) ** a + np.abs(Stp1[0] - Stp2[1]) ** a + np.abs(Stp1[0] - Stp2[2]) ** a + \
np.abs(Stp1[1] - Stp2[0]) ** a + np.abs(Stp1[1] - Stp2[1]) ** a + np.abs(Stp1[1] - Stp2[2]) ** a + \
np.abs(Stp1[2] - Stp2[0]) ** a + np.abs(Stp1[2] - Stp2[1]) ** a + np.abs(Stp1[2] - Stp2[2]) ** a
seq = (0.25 * seq) ** (1. / a)
return seq
def calc_fgrad(self, sig, epl=None, seq=None,
accumulated_strain=0.0, max_stress=0.0,
"""Calculate gradient to yield surface. Three different methods can be used: (i) analytical gradient to Hill-like yield
function (default if no ML yield function exists - ML_yf=False), (ii) gradient to ML yield function (default if ML yield
function exists - ML_yf=True; can be overwritten if ana=True), (iii) ML gradient fitted seperately from ML yield function
(activated if ML_grad=True and ana=False)
sig : (sdim,) or (N,sdim) array
Stress value (Pricipal stress or full stress tensor)
epl : (sdim,) array
Plastic strain tensor (optional, default = None)
seq : float or (N,) array
Equivalent stresses (optional)
ana : Boolean
Indicator if analytical solution should be used, rather than ML yield fct (optional, default: False)
fgrad : (sdim,), (N,sdim) array
Gradient to yield surface at given position in stress space, same dimension as sdim
if epl is None:
epl = np.zeros(self.sdim)
N = len(sig)
sh = np.shape(sig)
if sh == (3,) or sh == (6,):
N = 1 # sig is vector of principal stresses
sig = np.array([sig])
elif sh != (N, self.sdim):
raise ValueError('Unknown format of stress in calc_fgrad')
fgrad = np.zeros((N, self.sdim))
if self.ML_grad and not ana:
# use SVR fitted to gradient
sig = sig / self.sy
fgrad[:, 0] = self.svm_grad0.predict(sig) * self.gscale[0]
fgrad[:, 1] = self.svm_grad1.predict(sig) * self.gscale[1]
fgrad[:, 2] = self.svm_grad2.predict(sig) * self.gscale[2]
self.msg['gradient'] = 'SVR gradient'
elif self.ML_yf and not ana:
# use gradient of SVC yield fct. in stress space
# gradient of SVC kernel function w.r.t. feature vector
def grad_rbf(x, xp):
# calculate gradient of radial basis function kernel
# x.shape=(Ndof,)
# xp.shape=(Nsv,Ndof)
# grad.shape=(Nsv,Ndof)
hv = x - xp
hh = np.sum(hv * hv, axis=1) # ||x-x'||^2=sum_i(x_i-x'_i)^2
k = np.exp(-self.gam_yf * hh)
arg = -2. * self.gam_yf * hv
grad = k[:, None] * arg
return grad
def Jac(sig):
# define Jacobian of coordinate transformation
J = np.ones((3, 3))
dev = sig_dev(sig) # deviatoric princ. stress
vn = np.linalg.norm(dev) * np.sqrt(1.5) # norm of stress vector
if vn > 0.1:
# calculate Jacobian only if sig>0
dseqds = 3. * dev / vn
J[:, 2] /= 3.
J[:, 0] = dseqds
dsa = np.dot(sig, a_vec)
dsb = np.dot(sig, b_vec)
sc = dsa + 1j * dsb
z = -1j * ((a_vec + 1j * b_vec) / sc - dseqds / vn)
J[:, 1] = np.real(z)
return J
x = np.zeros((N, self.Ndof))
if self.sdim == 3:
x[:, 0] = sig_eq_j2(sig) / self.scale_seq - 1.
x[:, 1] = sig_polar_ang(sig) / np.pi
if self.dev_only:
x[:, 0:6] = sig_dev(sig)[:, 0:6] / self.scale_seq # use only deviatoric part
x[:, 0:6] = sig[:, 0:6] / self.scale_seq
if self.whdat:
x[:, self.ind_wh:self.ind_wh + self.sdim] = epl / self.scale_wh
x[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim] = accumulated_strain
x[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim + 1] = max_stress / self.scale_seq
if self.txdat:
ih = self.ind_tx
x[:, ih:ih + self.Nset] = [self.tx_cur[i] / self.scale_text[i] - 1. for i in range(self.Nset)]
dc = self.svm_yf.dual_coef_[0, :]
sv = self.svm_yf.support_vectors_
hk = np.zeros(self.sdim)
for i in range(N):
hh = grad_rbf(x[i, :], sv)
dKdx = np.sum(dc[:, None] * hh, axis=0)
if self.sdim == 3:
fgrad[i, :] = Jac(sig[i, :]) @ np.array([1, dKdx[1], 0])
fgrad[i, 0:6] = dKdx[0:6] / self.scale_seq
if self.whdat:
hk -= dKdx[self.ind_wh:self.ind_wh + self.sdim] * self.scale_seq / self.scale_wh
self.khard = np.sum(hk) / N # multiply with matrix (d_eps_eq/d_eps)^-1 instead of summation ???
if self.khard < 0.:
self.khard = 0. # strain softening not supported
self.msg['gradient'] = 'gradient to ML_yf'
# calculate analytical gradient based on the active material formulation
# standard: Hill definition of equiv. stress, which contains isotropic J2 equiv. stress
# as special case.
# currently implemented: J2, 3-parameter Hill (only principal stresses), 6-parameter Hill full stress tensor
# no gradient yet for Barlat and Tresca, numerical gradient
if self.barlat:
raise ValueError('calc_fgrad: analytical gradient for Barlat not implemented')
if self.tresca:
raise ValueError('calc_fgrad: analytical gradient for Tresca not implemented')
h0 = self.hill[0]
h1 = self.hill[1]
h2 = self.hill[2]
d3 = self.drucker / 3.
if seq is None:
seq = self.calc_seq(sig)
sdev = sig_dev(sig)
fgrad[:, 0] = ((h0 + h2) * sdev[:, 0] - h0 * sdev[:, 1] - h2 * sdev[:, 2]) / (2. * seq) + d3
fgrad[:, 1] = ((h1 + h0) * sdev[:, 1] - h0 * sdev[:, 0] - h1 * sdev[:, 2]) / (2. * seq) + d3
fgrad[:, 2] = ((h2 + h1) * sdev[:, 2] - h2 * sdev[:, 0] - h1 * sdev[:, 1]) / (2. * seq) + d3
if self.sdim == 6:
h3 = self.hill[3]
h4 = self.hill[4]
h5 = self.hill[5]
fgrad[:, 3] = 3. * h3 * sdev[:, 3] / seq
fgrad[:, 4] = 3. * h4 * sdev[:, 4] / seq
fgrad[:, 5] = 3. * h5 * sdev[:, 5] / seq
if h0 == h1 == h2 == h3 == h4 == h5 == 1.:
label = 'analytical, J2 isotropic, full stress'
label = 'analytical, 6-parameter Hill, full stress'
if h0 == h1 == h2 == 1.:
label = 'analytical, J2 isotropic, princ. stress'
label = 'analytical, 3-parameter Hill, princ. stress'
self.msg['gradient'] = label
if N == 1:
fgrad = fgrad[0, :]
return fgrad
def get_sflow(self, epl):
"""Calculate an estimate of the scalar flow stress (strength) of the material
for a given plastic strain.
NOTE: Currently assumes only linear isotropic hardening with the current hardening rate,
does not include texture information and needs to be adapted to data contained in ms.param
epl : float or (sdim,) array
Current value of equiv. plastic strain (float) or plastic strain tensor
sflow : float
Average flow stress"""
# if self.msparam is None:
if type(epl) in (float, np.float64):
peeq = epl
peeq = eps_eq(epl)
sflow = self.sy + peeq * self.khard
sm = np.sum(self.tx_cur)
if sm < 1.e-3:
wght = np.ones(self.Nset) / self.Nset
wght = self.tx_cur / sm
sflow = 0.
for i, ms in enumerate(self.msparam):
sflow += np.interp(peeq + self.epc, ms['work_hard'], ms['sy_av'][self.ms_index[i], :]) * wght[i]'''
return sflow
def epl_dot(self, sig, epl, Cel, deps):
"""Calculate plastic strain increment relaxing stress back to yield locus;
Reference: M.A. Crisfield, Non-linear finite element analysis of solids and structures,
Chapter 6, Eqs. (6.4), (6.8) and (6.17)
sig : (6,)-array
Voigt stress tensor
epl : (6,)-array
Voigt plastic strain tensor
Cel : (6,6) array
Elastic stiffnes tensor
deps: Voigt tensor
Strain increment from predictor step
pdot : Voigt tensor
Plastic strain increment
yfun = self.calc_yf(sig + Cel @ deps, epl=epl)
'''yf0 = self.calc_yf(sig, peeq=peeq)
if yf0<-ptol and yfun>ptol and peeq<1.e-5:
if self.ML_yf:
ds = Cel@deps
yfun = self.ML_full_yf(sig+ds)
print('*** Warning in epl_dot: Step crosses yield surface')
print('sig, epl, deps, yfun, yf0, peeq,caller', sig, epl, deps, yfun, yf0, peeq, sys._getframe().f_back.f_code.co_name)
yfun=0. # catch error that can be produced for anisotropic materials'''
if (yfun <= yf_tolerance):
pdot = np.zeros(6)
# print('WARNING: Test for small stresses will be depracted in next version')
if self.sdim == 3:
a = np.zeros(6)
a[0:3] = self.calc_fgrad(sig_princ(sig)[0], epl=epl)
a = self.calc_fgrad(sig, epl=epl)
hh = a.T @ Cel @ a + self.khard
lam_dot = a.T @ Cel @ deps / hh # deps must not contain elastic strain components
pdot = lam_dot * a
return pdot
def C_tan(self, sig, Cel, epl=None):
"""Calculate tangent stiffness relaxing stress back to yield locus;
Reference: M.A. Crisfield, Non-linear finite element analysis of solids and structures,
Chapter 6, Eqs. (6.9) and (6.18)
sig : Voigt tensor
Cel : (6,6) array
Elastic stiffness tensor used for predictor step
epl : (sdim,) array
Equivalent plastic strain tensor (optional, default: 0.)
Ct : (6,6) array
Tangent stiffness tensor
if epl is None:
epl = np.zeros(self.sdim)
if self.sdim == 3:
a = np.zeros(6)
a[0:3] = self.calc_fgrad(sig_princ(sig)[0], epl=epl)
a = self.calc_fgrad(sig, epl=epl)
hh = a.T @ Cel @ a + self.khard
ca = Cel @ a
Ct = Cel - np.kron(ca, ca).reshape(6, 6) / hh
return Ct
# ==============================================================
# subroutines for ML flow rule, training
# ==============================================================
def setup_yf_SVM(self, x, y_train, x_test=None, y_test=None, C=15., gamma=2.5,
fs=0.1, plot=False, cyl=False, gridsearch=False, cvals=None, gvals=None, vlevel=3):
Generic function call to setup and train the SVM yield function, for details see the specific functions
setup_yf_SVM_6D and setup_yf_SVM_3D.
if self.sdim == 3:
train_sc, test_sc = self.setup_yf_SVM_3D(x, y_train, x_test=x_test, y_test=y_test,
C=C, gamma=gamma, fs=fs, plot=plot, cyl=cyl,
gridsearch=gridsearch, cvals=cvals, gvals=gvals)
train_sc, test_sc = self.setup_yf_SVM_6D(x, y_train, x_test=x_test, y_test=y_test,
C=C, gamma=gamma, plot=plot, vlevel=vlevel,
gridsearch=gridsearch, cvals=cvals, gvals=gvals)
return train_sc, test_sc
def setup_yf_SVM_6D(self, x, y_train, x_test=None, y_test=None, C=10., gamma=1., plot=False,
gridsearch=False, cvals=None, gvals=None, vlevel=3):
"""Initialize and train Support Vector Classifier (SVC) as machine learning (ML) yield function. Training and
test data (features) are accepted as either 3D principal stresses or cylindrical stresses, but principal
stresses will be converted to cylindrical stresses, such that training is always performed in cylindrical
stress space, with equiv. stress at yield onset and polar angle as degrees of freedom. Graphical output on
the trained SVC yield function is possible.
x : (N,self.Ndof) array
Training data in form of deviatoric Voigt stresses, components s1-s6), s0=-s1-s2.
Additional DOF for work hardening and texture if considered.
y_train : 1d-array
Result vector for training data (same size as x)
x_test : (N,self.Ndof) array
Test data either as Cartesian princ. stresses (N,3) or cylindrical stresses (N,2) (optional)
Result vector for test data (optional)
C : float
Parameter for training of SVC (optional, default: 10)
gamma : float
Parameter for kernel function of SVC (optional, default: 1)
plot : Boolean
Indicates if plot of decision function should be generated (optional, default: False)
gridsearch : Boolean
Perform grid search to optimize hyper parameters of ML flow rule (optional, default: False)
cvals : array
Values for SVC training parameter C in gridsearch (optional, default: None)
gvals: array
Values for SVC parameter gamma in gridsearch (optional, default: None)
vlevel : int
Value for verbosity of grid search algorithm (optional, defult: 3)
train_sc : float
Training score
test_sc : float
test score
# calculate proper scaling factor and scale data in input vector into range [-1,+1] for all columns
print('Using {} full Voigt yield stresses for training.'.format(x.shape))
if self.dev_only:
print('Only deviatoric part of stress tensors is considered.')
assert self.sdim == 6
self.gam_yf = gamma
self.C_yf = C
if self.msparam is None:
self.scale_seq = self.sy
# calculate scaling factors needed for SVC training from microstructure parameters
self.scale_seq = 0.
self.scale_wh = 0.
self.scale_text = np.zeros(self.Nset)
for i in range(self.Nset):
self.scale_seq += self.msparam[i]['sy_av'] / self.Nset
self.scale_wh += self.msparam[i]['peeq_max'] / self.Nset
self.scale_text[i] = np.average(self.msparam[i]['texture'])
if not self.whdat:
self.scale_wh = 1.
N = len(x)
X_train = np.zeros((N, self.Ndof))
X_train[:, 0:6] = x[:, 0:6] / self.scale_seq
if self.whdat:
X_train[:, self.ind_wh:self.ind_wh + self.sdim] =\
x[:, self.ind_wh:self.ind_wh + self.sdim] / self.scale_wh
X_train[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim] = x[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim]
X_train[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim + 1] = x[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim + 1] / self.scale_seq
print('Using work hardening data "%s" for training up to PEEQ=%6.3f'
% (self.msparam[0]['ms_type'], self.msparam[0]['peeq_max']))
if self.txdat:
ih = self.ind_tx
for i in range(self.Nset):
X_train[:, ih + i] = x[:, ih + i] / self.scale_text[i] - 1.
'Using texture data "%s" for training: %i data sets with texture_parameters in range [%4.2f,%4.2f]'
% (self.msparam[i]['ms_type'], self.msparam[i]['Ntext'], self.msparam[i]['texture'][0],
# coordinate transformation for test data
if x_test is not None:
Ntest = len(x_test)
X_test = np.zeros((Ntest, self.Ndof))
X_test[:, 0:self.sdim] = x_test[:, 0:self.sdim] / self.scale_seq
if self.whdat:
X_test[:, self.ind_wh:self.ind_wh + self.sdim] = \
x_test[:, self.ind_wh:self.ind_wh + self.sdim] / self.scale_wh
X_test[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim] = x_test[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim]
X_test[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim + 1] = x_test[:, self.ind_wh + self.sdim + 1] / self.scale_seq
if self.txdat:
ih = self.ind_tx
for i in range(self.Nset):
X_test[:, ih + i] = x_test[:, ih + i] / self.scale_text[i] - 1.
# define and fit SVC
if gridsearch:
print('The hyperparameter optimization with Gridsearch to find best C and gamma...')
# define search grid and add user parameters if not present in grid
if cvals is None:
cvals = [1, 2, 4, 10]
if C not in cvals:
if gvals is None:
gvals = [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3]
if gamma not in gvals:
param_grid = {'C': cvals, 'gamma': gvals}
self.grid = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(), param_grid, refit=True, verbose=vlevel, n_jobs=-1)
self.grid.fit(X_train, y_train)
print('The best hyperparameters are:', self.grid.best_params_)
self.gam_yf = self.grid.best_params_["gamma"]
self.C_yf = self.grid.best_params_["C"]
self.svm_yf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=self.C_yf, gamma=self.gam_yf)
self.svm_yf.fit(X_train, y_train)
print('Original values: C={}, gamma={}'.format(C, gamma))
self.svm_yf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=C, gamma=gamma)
self.svm_yf.fit(X_train, y_train)
self.ML_yf = True
# calculate scores
train_sc = 100 * self.svm_yf.score(X_train, y_train)
if x_test is None:
test_sc = None
test_sc = 100 * self.svm_yf.score(x_test, y_test)
# create plot if requested
if plot:
print('Plot of extended training data for SVM classification in 2D cylindrical stress space')
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1.2, 1.2, 50), np.linspace(-1.2, 1.2, 50))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 8))
if self.Ndof == 2:
feat = np.c_[yy.ravel(), xx.ravel()]
elif self.Ndof == 3:
feat = np.c_[yy.ravel(), xx.ravel(), np.ones(2500) * self.scale_wh]
feat = np.c_[yy.ravel(), xx.ravel(), np.ones(2500) * self.scale_wh, np.ones(2500) * self.scale_text]
Z = self.svm_yf.decision_function(feat)
self.plot_data(Z, ax, xx, yy, c='black')
ax.scatter(X_train[:, 1], X_train[:, 0], s=10, c=y_train, cmap=plt.cm.Paired)
ax.set_title('extended SVM yield function in training')
return train_sc, test_sc
def setup_yf_SVM_3D(self, x, y_train, x_test=None, y_test=None, C=10.,
gamma=1., fs=0.1, plot=False, cyl=False,
gridsearch=False, cvals=None, gvals=None):
"""Initialize and train Support Vector Classifier (SVC) as machine
learning (ML) yield function. Training and test data (features) are
accepted as either 3D principal stresses or cylindrical stresses, but
principal stresses will be converted to cylindrical stresses, such
that training is always performed in cylindrical stress space, with
equiv. stress at yield onset and polar angle as degrees of freedom.
Graphical output on the trained SVC yield function is possible.
WARNING: 3D data types are no longer actively supported
x : (N,2) or (N,3) array
Training data either as Cartesian princ. stresses (N,3) or
cylindrical stresses (N,2)
cyl : Boolean
Indicator for cylindrical stresses if x is has shape (N,3)
y_train : 1d-array
Result vector for training data (same size as x)
x_test : (N,2) or (N,3) array
Test data either as Cartesian princ. stresses (N,3) or cylindrical
stresses (N,2) (optional)
Result vector for test data (optional)
C : float
Parameter for training of SVC (optional, default: 10)
gamma : float
Parameter for kernel function of SVC (optional, default: 1)
fs : float
Parameters for size of periodic continuation of training data
(optional, default:0.1)
plot : Boolean
Indicates if plot of decision function should be generated
(optional, default: False)
gridsearch : Boolean
Perform grid search to optimize hyperparameters of ML flow rule
(optional, default: False)
cvals : array
Values for SVC training parameter C in gridsearch (optional, default: None)
gvals: array
Values for SVC parameter gamma in gridsearch (optional, default: None)
train_sc : float
Training score
test_sc : float
test score
# transformation of princ. stress into cyl. coordinates
self.gam_yf = gamma
self.C_yf = C
assert self.sdim == 3
if self.msparam is None:
self.scale_seq = self.sy
# calculate scaling factors need for SVC training from microstructure parameters
self.scale_seq = 0.
self.scale_wh = 0.
self.scale_text = np.zeros(self.Nset)
for i in range(self.Nset):
self.scale_seq += self.msparam[i]['sy_av'] / self.Nset
self.scale_wh += self.msparam[i]['peeq_max'] / self.Nset
self.scale_text[i] = np.average(self.msparam[i]['texture'])
N = len(x)
X_train = np.zeros((N, self.Ndof))
if not cyl:
# principal stresses
X_train[:, 0] = sig_eq_j2(x[:, 0:3]) / self.scale_seq - 1.
X_train[:, 1] = sig_polar_ang(x[:, 0:3]) / np.pi
print('Converting principal stresses to cylindrical stresses for training')
# cylindrical stresses
X_train[:, 0] = x[:, 0] / self.scale_seq - 1.
X_train[:, 1] = x[:, 1] / np.pi
print('Using cylindrical stresses for training')
if self.whdat:
X_train[:, self.ind_wh] = x[:, self.ind_wh + 1] / self.scale_wh
print('Using work hardening data "%s" for training up to PEEQ=%6.3f'
% (self.msparam[0]['ms_type'], self.msparam[0]['peeq_max']))
if self.txdat:
ih = self.ind_tx + 1
for i in range(self.Nset):
X_train[:, ih + i] = x[:, ih + i] / self.scale_text[i] - 1.
'Using texture data "%s" for training: %i data sets with texture_parameters in range [%4.2f,%4.2f]'
% (self.msparam[i]['ms_type'], self.msparam[i]['Ntext'], self.msparam[i]['texture'][0], \
# copy left and right borders to enforce periodicity in theta
indr = np.nonzero(X_train[:, 1] > 1. - fs)
indl = np.nonzero(X_train[:, 1] < fs - 1.)
Xr = X_train[indr]
Xl = X_train[indl]
Xr[:, 1] -= 2. # shift angle theta
Xl[:, 1] += 2.
Xh = np.append(Xr, Xl, axis=0)
yh = np.append(y_train[indr], y_train[indl], axis=0)
X_train = np.append(X_train, Xh, axis=0)
y_train = np.append(y_train, yh, axis=0)
# coordinate transformation for test data
if x_test is not None:
Ntest = len(x_test)
X_test = np.zeros((Ntest, self.Ndof))
if not cyl:
X_test[:, 0] = sig_eq_j2(x_test) / self.scale_seq - 1.
X_test[:, 1] = sig_polar_ang(x_test) / np.pi
X_test[:, 0] = x_test[:, 0] / self.scale_seq - 1.
X_test[:, 1] = x_test[:, 1] / np.pi
if self.whdat:
X_test[:, self.ind_wh] = x_test[:, self.ind_wh + 1] / self.scale_wh
if self.txdat:
ih = self.ind_tx + 1
for i in range(self.Nset):
X_test[:, ih + i] = x_test[:, ih + i] / self.scale_text[i] - 1.
# define and fit SVC
if gridsearch:
print('The hyperparameter optimization with Gridsearch to find best C and gamma...')
# define search grid and add user parameters if not present in grid
if cvals is None:
cvals = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15]
if not C in cvals:
if gvals is None:
gvals = [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3]
if not gamma in gvals:
param_grid = {'C': cvals, 'gamma': gvals}
grid = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(), param_grid, refit=True, verbose=3, n_jobs=-1)
grid.fit(X_train, y_train)
print('The best hyperparameters are:', grid.best_params_)
self.gam_yf = grid.best_params_["gamma"]
self.C_yf = grid.best_params_["C"]
self.svm_yf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=self.C_yf, gamma=self.gam_yf)
self.svm_yf.fit(X_train, y_train)
print('Original values: C={}, gamma={}'.format(C, gamma))
self.svm_yf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=C, gamma=gamma)
self.svm_yf.fit(X_train, y_train)
self.ML_yf = True
# calculate scores
train_sc = 100 * self.svm_yf.score(X_train, y_train)
if x_test is None:
test_sc = None
test_sc = 100 * self.svm_yf.score(x_test, y_test)
# create plot if requested
if plot:
print('Plot of extended training data for SVM classification in 2D cylindrical stress space')
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1. - fs, 1. + fs, 50), np.linspace(-1., 1., 50))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 8))
if self.Ndof == 2:
feat = np.c_[yy.ravel(), xx.ravel()]
elif self.Ndof == 3:
feat = np.c_[yy.ravel(), xx.ravel(), np.ones(2500) * self.scale_wh]
feat = np.c_[yy.ravel(), xx.ravel(), np.ones(2500) * self.scale_wh, np.ones(2500) * self.scale_text]
Z = self.svm_yf.decision_function(feat)
self.plot_data(Z, ax, xx, yy, c='black')
ax.scatter(X_train[:, 1], X_train[:, 0], s=10, c=y_train, cmap=plt.cm.Paired)
ax.set_title('extended SVM yield function in training')
return train_sc, test_sc
def train_SVC(self, C=10, gamma=4, Nlc=36, Nseq=25, fs=0.3, extend=False,
mat_ref=None, sdata=None, plot=False, fontsize=16,
gridsearch=False, cvals=None, gvals=None, vlevel=3,
Fe=0.1, Ce=0.99):
"""Train SVC for all yield functions of the microstructures provided
in msparam and for flow stresses to capture work hardening. In first
step, the training data for each set is generated by creating stresses
on the deviatoric plane and calculating their catgegorial
yield function ("-1": elastic, "+1": plastic). Furthermore, axes in
different dimensions for microstructural features are introduced that
describe the relation between the different sets.
C : float
Parameter needed for training process, larger values lead to more
flexibility (optional, default: 10)
gamma : float
Parameter of Radial Basis Function of SVC kernel, larger values,
lead to faster decay of influence of individual
support vectors, i.e., to more short ranged kernels
(optional, default: 4)
Nlc : int
Number of load cases to be considered, will be overwritten if
material has microstructure
information (optional, default: 36)
Nseq : int
Number of training and test stresses to be generated in elastic
regime, same number will be
produced in plastic regime (optional, default: 25)
fs : float
Parameter to ensure periodicity of yield function wrt. theta
extend : Boolean
Indicate whether training data should be extended further into
plastic regime (optional, default: True)
mat_ref : object of class ``Material``
reference material needed to calculate yield function if only N is
provided (optional, ignored if sdata is given)
sdata: (N, sdim) array
List of Cartsian stresses lying on yield locus. Based on these
yield stresses, training data in entire deviatoric stress space
is created (optional, f no data in self.msparam is given, either
sdata or N and mat_ref must be provided)
plot : Boolean
Indicate if graphical output should be performed
(optional, default: False)
fontsize : int
Fontsize for graph annotations (optional, default: 16)
gridsearch : Boolean
Perform grid search to optimize hyperparameters of ML flow rule
(optional, default: False)
Fe : float
Relative value of lowest stress in elastic regime (optional, default: 0.1)
Ce : float
Relative value of largest stress in elastic regime (optional, default: 0.99)
cvals : array
Values for SVC training parameter C in gridsearch (optional, default: None)
gvals: array
Values for SVC parameter gamma in gridsearch (optional, default: None)
vlevel : int
Value for verbosity of grid search algorithm (optional, defult: 3)
print('SVM classification training')
# augment raw data and create result vector (yield function) for all
# data on work hardening and textures
if self.msparam is None:
Npl = 1
Ntext = 1
if sdata is None:
# create regular pattern of stresses in sdim-dimensional stress
# space based on reference material
if mat_ref is None:
raise ValueError(
'create_data_sig: Neither sdata nor mat_ref are provided, cannot generate training data')
# define material parameters otherwise defines in material.plasticity
if mat_ref.CV is None:
self.elasticity(C11=mat_ref.C11, C12=mat_ref.C12, C44=mat_ref.C44)
self.plasticity(sy=mat_ref.sy, sdim=mat_ref.sdim)
xt, yt = self.create_sig_data(N=Nlc, mat_ref=mat_ref, Nseq=Nseq, extend=extend)
print('Training data created from reference material', mat_ref.name, ', with', Nlc, 'load cases.')
# based on given yield stresses
Nlc = len(sdata[:, 0])
seq = sig_eq_j2(sdata)
self.plasticity(sy=np.mean(seq), sdim=len(sdata[0, :]))
xt, yt = self.create_sig_data(sdata=sdata, Nseq=Nseq, extend=extend)
print('Training data created from {}-dimensional yield stresses with {} load cases.' \
.format(self.sdim, Nlc))
self.Ndof = 2 if self.sdim == 3 else 6
Nlc = self.msparam[0]['Nlc']
if self.whdat:
Ndinp = len(self.msparam[0]['flow_stress'])
Ndinp = len(self.msparam[0]['sig_ideal'])
Nsdata = 2 * Nseq + 4 if extend else 2 * Nseq
N0 = Nlc * Nsdata # total number of training data points per Ppl for each microstructure
Nt = Ndinp * Nsdata
dtrain = self.Ndof # dimension of training data (Ndof for sdim==6)
xt = np.zeros((Nt, dtrain))
if self.whdat:
# create training data in entire stress space from raw data
# training data generated here is unscaled
sig_train, yt = self.create_sig_data(sdata=self.msparam[0]['flow_stress'],
extend=extend, Fe=Fe, Ce=Ce)
sig_train, yt = self.create_sig_data(sdata=self.msparam[0]['sig_ideal'],
extend=extend, Fe=Fe, Ce=Ce)
xt[:, 0:self.sdim] = sig_train
if self.whdat:
# Add DOF for strain hardening
if 'normalized_accumulated_strain' in self.msparam[0].keys():
reversal = True
if 'max_stress' not in self.msparam[0].keys():
raise ValueError("Data contains field for 'normalized_accumulated_strain' "
"but not for 'max_stress'. Cannot continue.")
if self.Ndof < 2 * self.sdim + 2:
raise ValueError("Data for 'normalized_accumulated_strain' is given, "
"but not enough DOF are defined for work hardening paramaters.")
reversal = False
for i in range(Ndinp):
for j in range(Nsdata):
xt[i + j * Ndinp, self.ind_wh:self.ind_wh + self.sdim] = \
self.msparam[0]['plastic_strain'][i, :] # plastic strain from data is corrected for epc
if reversal:
xt[i + j * Ndinp, self.ind_wh + self.sdim] = \
xt[i + j * Ndinp, self.ind_wh + self.sdim + 1] = \
'%i training data sets created, with %i load cases' % (Nt, Nlc))
if np.any(np.abs(yt) <= 0.99):
'train_SVC: result vector for yield function contains more categories '
'than "-1" and "+1". Will result in higher dimensional SVC.')
# Train SVC with data from all microstructures in data
if self.sdim == 3:
# assuming Cartesian stresses
train_sc, test_sc = \
self.setup_yf_SVM_3D(xt, yt, C=C, gamma=gamma, fs=0.3,
plot=False, gridsearch=gridsearch,
cvals=cvals, gvals=gvals)
train_sc, test_sc = self.setup_yf_SVM_6D(xt, yt, C=C, gamma=gamma,
cvals=cvals, gvals=gvals,
print("Training set score: {} %".format(train_sc))
if plot:
'''WARNING: untested for 6D structure of msparam !!!'''
# plot ML yield loci with reference and test data
print('Plot ML yield loci with reference curve and test data')
if self.whdat:
print('Initial yield locus plotted together with flow stresses for PEEQ in range [%6.3f,%6.3f]'
% (self.msparam[0]['work_hard'][0], self.msparam[0]['work_hard'][-1]))
if self.txdat:
print('Initial yield locus plotted for texture parameter in range [%6.3f,%6.3f]'
% (self.msparam[0]['texture'][0], self.msparam[0]['texture'][-1]))
Npl = 1 # only plot initial yield surface
ncol = 2
Npl = 4
nrow = int(Npl * Ntext / ncol + 0.95)
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8 * nrow))
theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 36)
work_hard = np.linspace(0., self.msparam[0]['peeq_max'], Npl)
for k in range(Ntext):
self.set_texture(self.msparam[0]['texture'][k], verb=False)
for j in range(0, Npl, np.maximum(1, int(Npl / 4))):
# to-do: x_test and y_test should be setup properly above!!!
ind = list(range((j + k * Npl) * N0, (j + k * Npl + 1) * N0, int(0.5 * N0 / Nlc)))
x_test = sig_princ2cyl(xt[ind, 0:self.sdim])
y_test = yt[ind]
ind = np.argsort(x_test[:, 1]) # sort dta points w.r.t. polar angle
x_test = x_test[ind, :]
y_test = y_test[ind]
peeq = work_hard[j]
sflow = self.get_sflow(peeq)
iel = np.nonzero(y_test < 0.)[0]
ipl = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(y_test >= 0., x_test[:, 0] < sflow * 1.5))[0]
plt.subplot(nrow, ncol, j + k * Npl + 1, projection='polar')
plt.gca().plot(x_test[ipl, 1], x_test[ipl, 0], 'r.', label='test data above yield point')
plt.gca().plot(x_test[iel, 1], x_test[iel, 0], 'b.', label='test data below yield point')
if self.msparam is not None:
syc = sig_princ2cyl(self.msparam[0]['flow_stress'][k, j, :, :])
ind = np.argsort(syc[:, 1])
plt.gca().plot(syc[ind, 1], syc[ind, 0], '-c',
label='reference yield locus')
# ML yield fct: find norm of princ. stess vector lying on yield surface
snorm = sig_cyl2princ(np.array([sflow * np.ones(36) * np.sqrt(1.5), theta]).T)
x1 = fsolve(self.find_yloc, np.ones(36), args=(snorm, peeq), xtol=1.e-5)
sig = snorm * x1[:, None]
s_yld = sig_eq_j2(sig)
plt.gca().plot(theta, s_yld, '-k', label='ML yield locus', linewidth=2)
if self.msparam is None:
plt.title = self.name
plt.title = 'Flow stress, PEEQ=' + str(work_hard[j].round(decimals=4)) + ', TP=' \
+ str(self.msparam[0]['texture'][k].round(decimals=2))
# plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (rad)', fontsize=fontsize-2)
# plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma_{eq}$ (MPa)', fontsize=fontsize-2)
plt.legend(loc=(.95, 0.85), fontsize=fontsize - 2)
plt.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize - 4)
plt.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize - 4)
# just for having an easy way to get the score score from the data similar as we have the
# training data as Jan suggested. SHould be removed I guess later ???
def test_data_generation(self, C=10, gamma=4, Nlc=36, Nseq=25, fs=0.3, extend=False,
mat_ref=None, sdata=None, fontsize=16,
gridsearch=False, cvals=None, gvals=None, Fe=0.1, Ce=0.99):
"""A function to generate test data to get the scores, which is exactly as we are generating
the training data but use those to test and get the score.
C : float
Parameter needed for training process, larger values lead to more
flexibility (optional, default: 10)
gamma : float
Parameter of Radial Basis Function of SVC kernel, larger values,
lead to faster decay of influence of individual
support vectors, i.e., to more short ranged kernels
(optional, default: 4)
Nlc : int
Number of load cases to be considered, will be overwritten if
material has microstructure
information (optional, default: 36)
Nseq : int
Number of training and test stresses to be generated in elastic
regime, same number will be
produced in plastic regime (optional, default: 25)
fs : float
Parameter to ensure peridicity of yield function wrt. theta
extend : Boolean
Indicate whether training data should be extended further into
plastic regime (optional, default: True)
mat_ref : object of class ``Material``
reference material needed to calculate yield function if only N is
provided (optional, ignored if sdata is given)
sdata: (N, sdim) array
List of Cartsian stresses lying on yield locus. Based on these
yield stresses, training data in entire deviatoric stress space
is created (optional, f no data in self.msparam is given, either
sdata or N and mat_ref must be provided)
plot : Boolean
Indicate if graphical output should be performed
(optional, default: False)
fontsize : int
Fontsize for graph annotations (optional, default: 16)
gridsearch : Boolean
Perform grid search to optimize hyperparameters of ML flow rule
(optional, default: False)
Fe : float
Relative value of lowest stress in elastic regime (optional, default: 0.1)
Ce : float
Relative value of largest stress in elastic regime (optional, default: 0.99)
print('SVM classification training')
# augment raw data and create result vector (yield function) for all
# data on work hardening and textures
if self.msparam is None:
Npl = 1
Ntext = 1
if sdata is None:
# create regular pattern of stresses in sdim-dimensional stress
# space based on reference material
if mat_ref is None:
raise ValueError(
'create_data_sig: Neither sdata nor mat_ref are provided, cannot generate training data')
# define material parameters otherwise defined in material.plasticity
if mat_ref.CV is None:
self.elasticity(C11=mat_ref.C11, C12=mat_ref.C12, C44=mat_ref.C44)
self.plasticity(sy=mat_ref.sy, sdim=mat_ref.sdim)
xt, yt = self.create_sig_data(N=Nlc, mat_ref=mat_ref, Nseq=Nseq, extend=extend)
print('Training data created from reference material', mat_ref.name, ', with', Nlc, 'load cases.')
# based on given yield stresses
Nlc = len(sdata[:, 0])
seq = sig_eq_j2(sdata)
self.plasticity(sy=np.mean(seq), sdim=len(sdata[0, :]))
xt, yt = self.create_sig_data(sdata=sdata, Nseq=Nseq, extend=extend)
print('Training data created from {}-dimensional yield stresses with {} load cases.' \
.format(self.sdim, Nlc))
self.Ndof = 2 if self.sdim == 3 else 6
'''WARNING: There are no more hardening levels !!!'''
Nlc = self.msparam[0]['Nlc']
if self.whdat:
Ndinp = len(self.msparam[0]['flow_stress'])
Ndinp = len(self.msparam[0]['sig_ideal'])
Nsdata = 2 * Nseq + 4 if extend else 2 * Nseq
N0 = Nlc * Nsdata # total number of training data points per Ppl for each microstructure
Nt = Ndinp * Nsdata
dtrain = self.Ndof # dimension of training data (Ndof for sdim==6)
xt = np.zeros((Nt, dtrain))
if self.whdat:
# create training data in entire stress space from raw data
# training data generated here is unscaled
sig_train, yt = self.create_sig_data(sdata=self.msparam[0]['flow_stress'],
extend=extend, Fe=Fe, Ce=Ce)
sig_train, yt = self.create_sig_data(sdata=self.msparam[0]['sig_ideal'],
extend=extend, Fe=Fe, Ce=Ce)
xt[:, 0:self.sdim] = sig_train
# print('HERE: ', Ndinp, Nsdata, self.ind_wh, self.msparam[0]['plastic_strain'][0, :].shape)
if self.whdat:
# Add DOF for work Plastic Strain
if 'normalized_accumulated_strain' in self.msparam[0].keys():
reversal = True
for i in range(Ndinp):
for j in range(Nsdata):
xt[i + j * Ndinp, self.sdim:self.sdim + self.ind_wh] = \
self.msparam[0]['plastic_strain'][i, :] # plastic strain from data is corrected for epc
if reversal:
# xt[i + j * Ndinp, self.sdim + self.ind_wh]=self.msparam[0]['normalized_loop_indicator'][i]
# xt[i + j * Ndinp, self.sdim + self.ind_wh + 1]=self.msparam[0]['normalized_accumulated_strain'][i]
# xt[i + j * Ndinp, self.sdim + self.ind_wh + 2]=self.msparam[0]['max_stress'][i]
xt[i + j * Ndinp, self.sdim + self.ind_wh] = self.msparam[0]['normalized_accumulated_strain'][i]
xt[i + j * Ndinp, self.sdim + self.ind_wh + 1] = self.msparam[0]['max_stress'][i]
'%i test data sets created, with %i load cases' % (Nt, Nlc))
return xt, yt
def create_sig_data(self, N=None, mat_ref=None, sdata=None, Nseq=2, sflow=None,
offs=0.01, extend=False, rand=False, Fe=0.1, Ce=0.99):
"""Function to create consistent data sets on the deviatoric stress plane
for training or testing of ML yield function. Either the number "N" of raw data points, i.e. load angles, to be
generated and a reference material "mat_ref" has to be provided, or a list of raw data points "sdata" with
Cartesian stress tensors lying on the yield surface serves as input. Based on the raw data, stress tensors
from the yield locus are distributed into the entire deviatoric space, by linear downscaling into the elastic
region and upscaling into the plastic region. Data is created in form of cylindrical stresses that lie densly
around the expected yield locus and more sparsely in the outer plastic region.
N : int
Number of load cases (polar angles) to be created (optional,
either N and mat_ref or sdata must be provided)
mat_ref : object of class ``Material``
reference material needed to calculate yield function if only N is provided (optional, ignored if sdata is given)
sdata: (N, sdim) array
List of Cartesian stress tensors lying on yield locus.
Based on these yield stresses, training data in entire deviatoric stress space is created
(optional, either sdata or N and mat_ref must be provided)
Nseq : int
Number of training stresses to be generated in the range 'offs' to the yield strength (optional, default: 12)
sflow : float
Expected flow stress of data set (optional, default: self.sy)
offs : float
Start of range for equiv. stress (optional, default: 0.01)
extend : Boolean
Create additional data in plastic regime (optional, default: False)
rand : Boolean
Chose random load cases (polar angles) (optional, default: False)
Fe : float
Relative value of lowest stress in elastic regime
Ce : float
Relative value of largest stress in elastic regime
st : (M, sdim) array
Cartesian training stresses, M = N (2 Nseq + Nextend)
yt : (M,) array
Result vector of categorial yield function (-1 or +1) for supervised training
if sflow is None:
sflow = self.sy
if sdata is None:
if mat_ref is None:
raise ValueError(
'create_data_sig: Neither sdata nor mat_ref are provided, cannot generate training data')
# create regular pattern of stresses in sdim-dimensional stress space
if self.sdim == 3:
if N is None:
warnings.warn('create_sig_data: Neither N not theta provided. Continuing with N=36 (sdim=3)')
N = 36
if not rand:
theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, N)
theta = 2. * (np.random.rand(N) - 0.5) * np.pi
sc = np.ones((N, 2))
sc[:, 1] = theta
su = sig_cyl2princ(sc)
if N is None:
warnings.warn('create_sig_data: Neither N not theta provided. Continuing with N=300 (sdim=6)')
N = 300
n3 = int(N / 3)
n6 = N - n3
su = load_cases(n3, n6)
if self.dev_only:
su = sig_dev(su)
x1 = fsolve(mat_ref.find_yloc, np.ones(N) * mat_ref.sy, args=(su), xtol=1.e-5)
sdata = su * x1[:, None] # yield stress tensors representing ground truth
# read stress data as seeding points for generation of further training stresses in entire
# sdim-dimensional stress space
i = len(sdata)
if (N is not None) and (N != i):
warnings.warn(f'create_sig_data: N and dimension of sdata do not agree. Continuing with N ={i}')
if mat_ref is not None:
warnings.warn('create_sig_data: using sdata for training, ignoring mat_ref')
N = i
if self.dev_only:
sdata = sig_dev(sdata)
# seq = np.linspace(Fe, Ce, Nseq)
# plastic_range_start = 2.-Fe if Nseq == 1 else 2.-Ce
# seq = np.append(seq, np.linspace(plastic_range_start, 2. - Fe, Nseq))
if Nseq == 1:
midpoint = 0.5 * (Fe + Ce)
seq = np.array([midpoint, 2. - midpoint])
elastic_seq = np.linspace(Fe, Ce, Nseq)
plastic_seq = np.linspace(2. - Ce, 2. - Fe, Nseq)
seq = np.append(elastic_seq, plastic_seq)
if extend:
# add training points in plastic regime to avoid fallback of SVC decision fct. to zero
seq = np.append(seq, np.array([2.4, 3., 4., 5.]))
Nd = len(seq) # number of training stresses per load case
st = np.zeros((N * Nd, self.sdim)) # input vector with training stresses
yt = np.zeros(N * Nd) # result vector for supervised learning
for i in range(Nd):
j0 = i * N
j1 = (i + 1) * N
# scale sdata into elastic regime (seq<1) or into plastic regime (seq>=1)
st[j0:j1, :] = sdata[:, 0:self.sdim] * seq[i]
yt[j0:j1] = -1. if i < Nseq else +1.
return st, yt
def setup_fgrad_SVM(self, X_grad_train, y_grad_train, C=10., gamma=0.1):
"""Inititalize and train SVM regression for gradient evaluation
X_grad_train : (N,3) array
y_grad_train : (N,) array
C : float
Paramater for training of Support Vector Regression (SVR) (optional, default:10)
gamma : float
Parameter for kernel of SVR (optional, default: 0.1)
# define support vector regressor parameters
self.svm_grad0 = svm.SVR(C=C, cache_size=3000, coef0=0.0, degree=3, epsilon=0.01, gamma=gamma,
kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, shrinking=True, tol=0.0001, verbose=False)
self.svm_grad1 = svm.SVR(C=C, cache_size=3000, coef0=0.0, degree=3, epsilon=0.01, gamma=gamma,
kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, shrinking=True, tol=0.0001, verbose=False)
self.svm_grad2 = svm.SVR(C=C, cache_size=3000, coef0=0.0, degree=3, epsilon=0.01, gamma=gamma,
kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, shrinking=True, tol=0.0001, verbose=False)
# fit SVM to training data
X_grad_train = X_grad_train / self.sy
gmax = np.amax(y_grad_train, axis=0)
gmin = np.amin(y_grad_train, axis=0)
self.gscale = gmax - gmin
y_grad_train0 = y_grad_train[:, 0] / self.gscale[0]
y_grad_train1 = y_grad_train[:, 1] / self.gscale[1]
y_grad_train2 = y_grad_train[:, 2] / self.gscale[2]
self.svm_grad0.fit(X_grad_train, y_grad_train0)
self.svm_grad1.fit(X_grad_train, y_grad_train1)
self.svm_grad2.fit(X_grad_train, y_grad_train2)
self.ML_grad = True
def export_MLparam(self, sname, source=None, file=None, path='../../models/',
descr=None, param=None):
"""The parameters of the trained Ml flow rule (support vectors, dual
coefficients, offset and scaling parameters) are written to a csv file
that is readable to Abaqus (8 numbers per line).
sname : str
Name of script that created this material
source : str
Source of parameters (optional, default: None)
file : str
Trunk of filename to which CSV flies are written (optional, default: None)
path : str
Path to which files are written (optional: default: '../../models/')
descr : list
List of names of model parameters used for generating this ML material (optional, default: [])
param : list
List of values of parameters used for generating this ML material (optional, default: []);
descr and param must be of the same size
CSV file with name path+file+'-svm.csv' containing
support vectors, dual coefficients, and (Ndof, elastic parameters, offset,
gamma value, scaling factors) in Abaqus format; and
JSON file with name path+file+'-svm_meta.json' containing meta data in given format.
from pkg_resources import get_distribution
from json import dump
from datetime import date
if not self.ML_yf:
raise AttributeError('export_MLparam: No ML flow rule defined.')
if self.msparam is None:
self.Nset = 1
self.epc = 0.
self.scale_wh = 1.
self.scale_text = [1.]
if self.Nset > 9:
raise ValueError('export_MLparam: Too many sets to export.')
if (descr is not None and param is not None) and len(descr) != len(param):
raise ValueError('Lists for descr and param must have the same lengths.')
if file is None:
file = 'abq_' + self.name
if path[-1] != '/':
path += '/'
file = path + file
# write parameters of trained SVC to file readable to Abaqus
dc = self.svm_yf.dual_coef_[0] # dual coefficients
nsv = len(dc) # number of support vectors
nlin = int((nsv * (self.Ndof + 1) + 30) / 8) + 1
Ndata = nlin * 8 # Number of data points to write
props = np.zeros(Ndata)
props[0] = nsv
props[1] = self.Ndof
props[2] = self.C11
props[3] = self.C12
props[4] = self.C44
props[5] = self.svm_yf.intercept_[0]
props[6] = self.gam_yf
props[7] = self.epc
props[8] = self.scale_seq
props[9] = self.scale_wh
if self.CV is None:
props[10:16] = -1
props[10] = self.CV[1, 1]
props[11] = self.CV[2, 2]
props[12] = self.CV[0, 2]
props[13] = self.CV[1, 2]
props[14] = self.CV[4, 4]
props[15] = self.CV[5, 5]
props[16] = -1. if self.dev_only else 0.
props[17] = self.Nset
props[18:18 + self.Nset] = self.scale_text
props[29:29 + nsv] = dc
nl = (self.Ndof + 1) * nsv + 29 # last entry of support vectors
props[29 + nsv:nl] = self.svm_yf.support_vectors_.flatten()
np.savetxt(file + '-svm.csv', props.reshape((nlin, 8)), delimiter=', ', newline='\n')
# parameters for metadata
today = str(date.today()) # date
owner = getpass.getuser() # username
sys_info = platform.uname() # system information
if descr is None:
descr = []
if param is None:
param = []
descr.extend(['Ndata', 'gamma', 'C'])
param.extend([Ndata, self.gam_yf, self.C_yf])
# Create metadata
meta = {
"Info": {
"Owner": owner,
"Institution": "ICAMS, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany",
"Date": today,
"Description": "SVC-parameters for plasticity model",
"Method": "Support Vector Classification",
"System": {
"sysname": sys_info[0],
"nodename": sys_info[1],
"release": sys_info[2],
"version": sys_info[3],
"machine": sys_info[4]},
"Model": {
"Creator": "pylabfea",
"Version": get_distribution('pylabfea').version,
"Repository": "https://github.com/AHartmaier/pyLabFEA.git",
"Input": source,
"Script": sname,
"Names": descr,
"Parameters": param
"Data": {
"Class": 'SVC_parameters',
"Type": 'CSV',
"File": file + '-svm.csv',
"Separator": ',',
"Header": None,
"Format": (nlin, 8),
"Names": ['nsv', 'nsd', 'C11', 'C12', 'C44', 'rho', 'gamma', 'epc',
'scale_seq', 'scale_wh', 'C22', 'C33', 'C13', 'C23',
'C55', 'C66', 'Nset', 'scale_text[0:Nset]',
'dual_coef[0:nsv]', 'sup_vec[0:nsv,0:nsd]'],
"Units": {
'Stress': 'MPa',
'Strain': 'None',
'Disp': 'mm',
'Force': 'N'}
with open(file + '-svm_meta.json', 'w') as fp:
dump(meta, fp, indent=2)
def pckl(self, name=None, path='../../materials/'):
"""Write material into pickle file. Usefull for materials with trained machine
learning flow rules to avoid time-consuming re-training.
name : string (optional, default: None)
File name for pickled material. The default is None, in which case
the filename will be the material name + '.pckl'.
path : string
Path to location for pickles
if name is None:
name = 'mat_' + self.name + '.pkl'
if path[-1] != '/':
path += '/'
with open(path + name, 'wb') as output:
pickle.dump(self, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
# =========================================================
# subroutines for material definitions
# =========================================================
def elasticity(self, C11=None, C12=None, C44=None, # standard parameters for crystals with cubic symmetry
CV=None, # user specified Voigt matrix
E=None, nu=None): # parameters for isotropic material
"""Define elastic material properties
C11 : float
C12 : float
C44 : float
Anisoptropic elastic constants of material (optional,
if (C11,C12,C44) not given, either (E,nu) or CV must be specified)
E : float
nu : float
Isotropic parameters Young's modulus and Poisson's number (optional,
if (E,nu) not given, either (C11,C12,C44) or CV must be specified)
CV : (6,6) array
Voigt matrix of elastic constants (optional, if CV not given, either
(C11,C12,C44) or (E,nu) must be specified)
if E is not None:
if nu is None:
raise ValueError('Error: Inconsistent definition of material parameters: Only E provided')
if (C11 is not None) or (C12 is not None) or (C44 is not None):
raise ValueError('Error: Inconsistent definition of material parameters: E provided together with C_ij')
hh = E / ((1. + nu) * (1. - 2. * nu))
self.C11 = (1. - nu) * hh
self.C12 = nu * hh
self.C44 = (0.5 - nu) * hh
self.E = E
self.nu = nu
self.CV = None
elif C11 is not None:
if nu is not None:
raise ValueError(
'Error: Inconsistent definition of material parameters: nu provided together with C_ij')
if (C12 is None) or (C44 is None):
raise ValueError('Error: Inconsistent definition of material parameters: C_12 or C_44 values missing')
self.C11 = C11
self.C12 = C12
self.C44 = C44
self.nu = C12 / (C11 + C12)
self.E = 2 * C44 * (1 + self.nu) # only for isotropy, might be used for plane stress models
self.CV = None
# warnings.warn('elasticity: E and nu calculated from anisotropic elastic parameters')
elif CV is not None:
self.CV = np.array(CV)
self.C11 = self.CV[0, 0]
self.C12 = self.CV[0, 1]
self.C44 = self.CV[3, 3]
self.nu = self.C12 / (self.C11 + self.C12)
self.E = 2 * self.C44 * (1 + self.nu) # only for isotropy, might be used for plane stress models
# warnings.warn('elasticity: E and nu calculated from anisotropic elastic parameters')
raise ValueError('elasticity: Inconsistent definition of material parameters')
def plasticity(self, sy=None, sdim=6, drucker=0., khard=0.,
barlat=None, barlat_exp=None,
hill=None, hill_3p=None, hill_6p=None, rv=None):
"""Define plastic material parameters; anisotropic Hill-like and Drucker-like
behavior is supported
sy : float
Yield strength
hill : (3,) or (6,) array
Parameters for Hill-like orthotropic anisotropy (optional, default: isotropy)
drucker : float
Parameter for Drucker-like tension-compression asymmetry (optional, default: 0)
khard: float
Linear strain hardening slope (ds/de_p) (optional, default: 0)
tresca : Boolean
Indicate if Tresca equivalent stress should be used (optional, default: False)
barlat : (18,) array
Array with parameters for Barlat Yld2004-18p yield function (optional)
barlat_exp : int
Exponent for Barlat Yld2004-18p yield function (optional)
hill_3p : Boolean
Indicate if 3-parameter Hill model shall be applied (optional, default: None)
Will be set True automatically if 3 Hill paramaters != 1 are provided
hill_6p : Boolean
Indicate if 6-parameter Hill model shall be applied (optional, default: None)
Will be set True automatically if 6 Hill parameters are provided
rv : (6,) array
Parameters for anisotropic flow aspect ratios that can be given alternatively to Hill
parameters (optional)
sdim : int
Dimensionality of stress tensor to be used for plasticity, must be either 3
(only principal stresses are considered) or 6 (full stress tensor is considered),
(optional, default: 6)
if sy < 0.:
raise ValueError('Initial yield strength cannot be negative.')
if khard < 0.:
warnings.warn('Strain softening not supported. khard is set to 0.')
khard = 0.
self.sy0 = sy # store initial yield strength of material
self.sy = sy # current yield strength (may be modified by texture)
self.khard = khard # strain hardening slope (d flow stress / d plastic strain)
self.drucker = drucker # Drucker-Prager parameter: weight of hydrostatic stress
if sdim != 3 and sdim != 6:
raise ValueError('{} in plasticity: sdim must be either 3 or 6'.format(self.name))
if self.sdim is not None and self.sdim != sdim:
print('plasticity: Parameter sdim is changed. New value:', sdim)
self.sdim = sdim
if hill is None and rv is None:
hill = np.ones(self.sdim)
elif hill is None:
hill = np.ones(self.sdim)
if len(rv) != self.sdim:
raise ValueError(f'plasticity: wrong dimension of yield stress ratios, must be {sdim}')
rinv = 1. / np.array(rv)
hill[0] = rinv[0] ** 2 + rinv[1] ** 2 - rinv[2] ** 2
hill[1] = rinv[1] ** 2 + rinv[2] ** 2 - rinv[0] ** 2
hill[2] = rinv[2] ** 2 + rinv[0] ** 2 - rinv[1] ** 2
if self.sdim == 6:
hill[3] = rinv[3] ** 2
hill[4] = rinv[4] ** 2
hill[5] = rinv[5] ** 2
elif hill is not None and rv is not None:
warnings.warn('plasticity: Both, hill and rv, have been provided. Using Hill parameters.')
lh = len(hill)
if hill_6p is None and hill_3p is None:
# determine if 3 or 6 Hill parameters are provided
hill_6p = (lh == 6)
hill_3p = not hill_6p
if hill_3p and (hill[0] == 1.) and (hill[1] == 1.) and (hill[2] == 1.):
hill_3p = False
if hill_6p and lh != 6:
raise ValueError('plasticity: When hill_6p is set True, 6 Hill parameters must be provided')
if hill_3p and lh != 3:
raise ValueError('plasticity: When hill_3p is set True, only 3 Hill parameters can be provided')
if hill_6p and sdim == 3:
warnings.warn('plasticity: 6 Hill parameters are provided, but sdim=3; ignoring shear parameters')
hill_6p = False
hill_3p = True
hill = hill[0:3]
if hill_3p and sdim == 6:
print('Material', self.name)
warnings.warn('plasticity: 3 Hill parameters are provided, but sdim=6; shear parameters set to 1')
hill_3p = False
hill_6p = True
hill.extend([1., 1., 1.])
if sdim == 6 and lh == 3:
hill.extend([1., 1., 1.])
self.hill_6p = hill_6p
self.hill_3p = hill_3p
self.hill = np.array(hill) # Hill anisotropic parameters
# set Trseca flag
if tresca is None:
tresca = False
self.tresca = tresca
if barlat is not None:
self.barlat = True
self.Bar_m1 = np.array([[0., -barlat[0], -barlat[1], 0., 0., 0.],
[-barlat[2], 0., -barlat[3], 0., 0., 0.],
[-barlat[4], -barlat[5], 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., barlat[6], 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., barlat[7], 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., barlat[8]]])
# Cdouble dash matrix
self.Bar_m2 = np.array([[0., -barlat[9], -barlat[10], 0., 0., 0.],
[-barlat[11], 0., -barlat[12], 0., 0., 0.],
[-barlat[13], -barlat[14], 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., barlat[15], 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., barlat[16], 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., barlat[17]]])
self.barlat_exp = barlat_exp
self.barlat = False
def from_data(self, param):
"""Define material properties from data sets generated in module `Data`:
contains data on elastic and plastic behavior, including work hardening,
for different crystallographic textures. Possible to extend to grain sizes,
grain shapes and porosities. Will invoke definition of elastic and plastic
parameters by calls to the methods `Material.elasticity` and `Material.plasticity`
with the parameters provided in the data set.
Also initializes current texture to first one in list and resets work hardening
param : list of directories
`Data.mat_param` directories containing material data sets
# import dictionaries with all microstructure parameters resulting from data module
self.msparam = np.array(param, ndmin=1) # required as array ???
self.Nset = len(self.msparam) # number of microstructures in material definition
self.whdat = self.msparam[0]['wh_data'] # flag if work hardening data exists
Nlc = self.msparam[0]['Nlc']
Ntext = self.msparam[0]['Ntext']
self.txdat = False if Ntext == 1 else True # texture variations exist
if self.sdim is None:
self.sdim = self.msparam[0]['sdim']
elif self.sdim != self.msparam[0]['sdim']:
self.sdim = self.msparam[0]['sdim']
warnings.warn('from_data: Microstructure has changed definition of sdim. New value={}'.format(self.sdim))
if self.sdim != 3 and self.sdim != 6:
raise ValueError('Value of sdim must be either 3 or 6')
self.epc = self.msparam[0]['epc']
for i in range(1, self.Nset):
h1 = self.msparam[i]['Nlc'] != Nlc
h3 = self.msparam[i]['Ntext'] != Ntext
h4 = self.msparam[i]['sdim'] != self.sdim
if h1 or h3 or h4:
print('Error: Structure of data set #', i, ' is inconsistent:', Nlc, Ntext, self.sdim, h1, h3, h4)
raise ValueError('Inconsistent data structure')
# Conditions can be relaxed by modifying train_SVC
# determine number of dof for feature vector
self.Ndof = 2 if self.sdim == 3 else 6
if self.whdat:
self.ind_wh = self.Ndof # starting index for dof associated with work hardening
self.Ndof += self.sdim + 2 # add dof's for work hardening parameter if data exists
if self.txdat:
self.ind_tx = self.Ndof # starting index for dof associated with textures
self.Ndof += self.Nset # add dof's for textures
# assign average properties to material and initialize texture and work-hardening
self.plasticity(sy=self.msparam[0]['sy_av'], sdim=self.sdim)
tp = np.zeros(self.Nset)
tp[0] = 1.
def from_MLparam(self, name, path='../../models/'):
"""Define material properties from parameters of trained machine learning
models that have been written with `Material.export_MLparam`.
Will invoke definition of elastic parameters by calls to the methods
`Material.elasticity` with the parameters provided in the data set.
Also initializes current texture to first one in list and resets work hardening
name : string
Name of parameter files (`name`.csv file and metadata file `name_meta.json`)
path : string
Path in which files are stored (optional, default: '../../models/')
raise ModuleNotFoundError('Import from ML parameters not yet implemented.')
def set_texture(self, current, verb=False):
"""Set parameters for current crystallographic texture of material as defined in microstructure.
current : float or list
Mixture parameter for microstructures in range [0,1] for each defined microstructure, indicates the
intensity of the given microstructure. The sum of all mixture parameters must be <=1, the rest will be set
to random texture. Must have same dimension as material.msparam.
verb : Boolean
Be verbose
Material.tx_cur : list
Current value of microstructural mixture parameter for active microstructure. Has same dimension as material.msparam
Material.sy : float
Yield stength is redefined accoring to texture parameter
Material.khard : float
Work hardening parameter is redefined according to texture parameter
Material.epc : float
Critical PEEQ for which onset of plastic deformation is definied in data
self.tx_cur = np.array(current, ndmin=1)
sm = np.sum(self.tx_cur) # sum of mixture parameters
if sm > 1. or sm < 0.:
print('Error: Microstructure parameters out of range:', sm, current)
raise ValueError('set_texture: Bad value for mixture parameter')
if len(self.tx_cur) != self.Nset:
print('Error: Microstructure parameters have wrong dimension:', current, self.Nset)
raise ValueError('set_texture: Wrong dimension of mixture parameter')
# calculate weight factor for each texture based on its mixture parameter
if sm < 1.e-3:
wght = np.ones(self.Nset) / self.Nset
wght = self.tx_cur / sm
self.sy = 0.
# self.khard = 0.
index = []
for i, ms in enumerate(self.msparam):
hh = ms['texture'] - self.tx_cur[i]
# redefine plasticity parameters according to texture parameter
sy = ms['sy_av'] # np.interp(self.tx_cur[i], ms['texture'], ms['flow_seq_av'][:, 0])
self.sy += sy * wght[i]
'''if self.whdat:
#set strain hardening parameters to initial value for selected texture
ds = ms['flow_seq_av'][index[-1],1] - ms['flow_seq_av'][index[-1],0] # assuming isotropic hardening
de = ms['work_hard'][1] - ms['work_hard'][0]
khard = ds/de # linear work hardening rate b/w values for w.h. in data
self.khard += khard*wght[i]'''
if verb:
print('New texture parameters: ', self.tx_cur)
print('Texture mixing: ')
[print(self.msparam[i]['ms_type'], 'with mixture parameter', self.tx_cur[i]) for i in range(self.Nset)]
print('Yield strength:', self.sy, 'MPa')
self.ms_index = index
# ==============================================================
# subroutines for post-processing and graphics
# ==============================================================
def ellipsis(self, a=1., b=1. / np.sqrt(3.), n=72):
"""Create ellipsis with main axis along 45° axis, used for graphical representation of isotropic yield locus.
a : float
Long half-axis of ellipsis (optional, default: 1)
a : float
Short half-axis of ellipsis (optional, default: 1/sqrt(3))
n : int
Number of points on ellipsis to be calculated
x, y : (n,) arrayy
x and y coordinates of points on ellipsis
t = np.arange(0., 2.1 * np.pi, np.pi / n)
x = a * np.cos(t) - b * np.sin(t)
y = a * np.cos(t) + b * np.sin(t)
return x, y
def plot_data(self, Z, axs, xx, yy, field=True, c='red'):
"""Plotting data in stress space to visualize yield loci.
Z : array
Data for field plot
axs : handle
Axes where plot is added
xx : meshgrid
yy : meshgrid
field : Boolean
Decide if field is plotted (optional, default: True)
c : str
Color for contour line (optional, default: 'red')
line : handle
Reference to plotted line
# symmetrize Z values
zmin = np.amin(Z)
zmax = np.amax(Z)
if (-zmin < zmax):
Z[np.nonzero(Z > -zmin)] = -zmin
Z[np.nonzero(Z < -zmax)] = -zmax
Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
# display data
if field:
axs.imshow(Z, interpolation='nearest',
extent=(xx.min(), xx.max(), yy.min(), yy.max()), aspect='auto',
origin='lower', cmap=plt.cm.PuOr_r)
contour = axs.contour(xx, yy, Z, levels=[0], linewidths=1.5,
linestyles='solid', colors=c)
line = contour.collections
return line
def plot_yield_locus(self, fun=None, label=None, data=None, trange=1.e-2, peeq=0.,
xstart=None, xend=None, axis1=[0], axis2=[1], iso=False, ref_mat=None,
field=False, Nmesh=100, file=None, fontsize=20, scaling=True):
"""Plot different cuts through yield locus in 3D principal stress space.
fun : function handle
Yield function to be plotted (optional, default: own yield function)
label : str
Label for yield function (optional, default: own name)
data : (N,3) array
principal stress data to be used for scatter plot (optional)
trange : float
Cut-off for data to be plotted on slice (optional, default: 1.e-2)
peeq : float
Level of plastic strain for which yield locus is plotted (isotropic hardening)
xstart : float
Smallest value on x-axis (optional, default: -2)
xend : float
Largest value on x-axis (optional, default: 2)
axis1 : list
Cartesian stress coordinates to be plotted on x-axis of slices (optional, default: [0])
axis2 : list
Cartesian stress coordinates to be plotted on y-axis of slices (optional, default: [1])
iso : Boolean
Decide if reference ellipsis for isotropic material is plotted (optional, default: False)
Reference material to plot yield locus (optional)
field : Boolean
Decide if field of yield function is plotted (optional, default: False)
Nmesh : int
Number of mesh points per axis on which yield function is evaluated (optional, default:100)
file : str
File name for output of olot (optional)
fontsize : int
Fontsize for axis annotations (optional, default: 20)
scaling : Boolean
Scale stress with yield strength (optional, default: True)
axs : pyplot axis handle
Axis of the plot
if xstart is None:
if scaling:
xstart = -2.
xstart = -2. * self.sy
if xend is None:
if scaling:
xend = 2.
xend = 2. * self.sy
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(xstart, xend, Nmesh),
np.linspace(xstart, xend, Nmesh))
Nm2 = Nmesh * Nmesh
Nc = len(axis1)
if len(axis2) != Nc:
sys.exit('Error in plot_yield_locus: mismatch in dimensions of ax1 and ax2')
if Nc == 1:
fs = (10, 8)
fontsize *= 4 / 5
fs = (20, 5)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=Nc, figsize=fs)
# loop over subplots in axis1 and axis2
for j in range(Nc):
if Nc == 1:
ax = axs
ax = axs[j]
lines = []
labels = []
# select slice in 3D stress space
s1 = None
s2 = None
s3 = None
# first axis
if axis1[j] == 0:
s1 = xx.ravel()
title = r'$\sigma_1$'
if scaling:
xlab = r'$\sigma_1 / \sigma_y$'
xlab = r'$\sigma_1$ (MPa)'
elif axis1[j] == 1:
s2 = xx.ravel()
title = r'$\sigma_2$'
if scaling:
xlab = r'$\sigma_2 / \sigma_y$'
xlab = r'$\sigma_2$ (MPa)'
elif axis1[j] == 2:
s3 = xx.ravel()
title = r'$\sigma_3$'
if scaling:
xlab = r'$\sigma_3 / \sigma_y$'
xlab = r'$\sigma_3$ (MPa)'
elif axis1[j] == 3:
s1 = xx.ravel()
s2 = xx.ravel()
title = r'$p=\sigma_1=\sigma_2$'
if scaling:
xlab = r'$p / \sigma_y$'
xlab = '$p$ (MPa)'
ref_mat = False
axis1[j] = 0
warnings.warn('plot_yield_locus: axis1 not defined properly, set to sig_1:{} {}'.format(axis1, j))
s1 = xx.ravel()
title = r'$\sigma_1$'
if scaling:
xlab = r'$\sigma_1 / \sigma_y$'
xlab = r'$\sigma_1$ (MPa)'
# second axis
if axis2[j] == 0:
s1 = yy.ravel()
title += r'-$\sigma_1$ slice'
if scaling:
ylab = r'$\sigma_1 / \sigma_y$'
ylab = r'$\sigma_1$ (MPa)'
elif axis2[j] == 1:
s2 = yy.ravel()
title += r'-$\sigma_2$ slice'
if scaling:
ylab = r'$\sigma_2 / \sigma_y$'
ylab = r'$\sigma_2$ (MPa)'
elif axis2[j] == 2:
s3 = yy.ravel()
title += r'-$\sigma_3$ slice'
if scaling:
ylab = r'$\sigma_3 / \sigma_y$'
ylab = r'$\sigma_3$ (MPa)'
elif axis2[j] == 3:
s3 = yy.ravel()
title += r'-$\sigma_3$ slice'
if scaling:
ylab = r'$\sigma_3 / \sigma_y$'
ylab = r'$\sigma_3$ (MPa)'
axis2[j] = 2
warnings.warn('plot_yield_locus: axis2 not defined properly, set to sig_2: {} {}'.format(axis2, j))
s2 = yy.ravel()
title += r'-$\sigma_2$ slice'
if scaling:
ylab = r'$\sigma_2 / \sigma_y$'
ylab = r'$\sigma_2$ (MPa)'
si3 = 1 # slice for data
if s1 is None:
s1 = np.zeros(Nm2)
si3 = 0
if s2 is None:
s2 = np.zeros(Nm2)
si3 = 1
if s3 is None:
s3 = np.zeros(Nm2)
si3 = 2
sig = np.c_[s1, s2, s3] # set stresses for yield locus calculation
# evaluate yield function to be plotted
if scaling:
sf = 1. / self.sy
sig *= self.sy
sf = 1.
if fun is None:
Z = self.calc_yf(sig, epl=peeq, pred=True) * sf
Z = fun(sig, pred=True) * sf
if label is None:
label = self.name
hl = self.plot_data(Z, ax, xx, yy, field=field)
# plot reference function if provided
if ref_mat is not None:
Z = ref_mat.calc_yf(sig, epl=peeq, pred=True) * sf
hl = self.plot_data(Z, ax, xx, yy, field=False, c='black')
# plot ellipsis as reference if requested
if iso:
x0, y0 = self.ellipsis() # reference for isotropic material
if not scaling:
x0 *= self.sy
y0 *= self.sy
hl = ax.plot(x0, y0, '-b')
labels.extend(['isotropic J2'])
# plot data if provided
if (data is not None):
# select data from 3D stress space within range [xstart, xend] and to fit to slice
dat = np.array(data) * sf
dsel = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(np.abs(dat[:, si3]) < trange,
np.logical_and(dat[:, axis1[j]] > xstart, dat[:, axis1[j]] < xend)))
ir = dsel[0]
yf = np.sign(self.calc_yf(data[ir, :], epl=peeq))
ax.scatter(dat[ir, axis1[j]], dat[ir, axis2[j]], s=60, c=yf,
cmap=plt.cm.Paired, edgecolors='k')
ax.legend(lines, labels, loc='upper left', fontsize=fontsize - 4)
# ax.set_title(title,fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xlabel(xlab, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel(ylab, fontsize=fontsize)
hh = 4 if Nc == 1 else 7
ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize - hh)
ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize - hh)
# save plot to file if filename is provided
if file is not None:
fig.savefig(file + '.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300)
return axs
def calc_properties(self, size=2, Nel=2, verb=False, eps=0.005, min_step=None,
sigeps=False, load_cases=['stx', 'sty', 'et2', 'ect']):
"""Use pylabfea.model to calculate material strength and stress-strain
data along a given load path.
size : int
Size of FE model (optional, defaul: 2)
Nel : int
Number of elements per axis (optional, defaul: 2)
verb : Boolean
Be verbose with output (optional, default: False)
eps : float
Maximum total strain (optional, default:0.005)
min_step : int
Minumum number of load steps (optional)
sigeps : Boolean
Decide if data for stress and strain tensors is stored in
dictionary Material.sigeps (optional, default: False)
load_cases : list
List of load cases to be performed (optional, default:
'stx': uniaxial tensile yield stress in horizontal (x-)direction;
'sty': uniaxial tensile yield stress in vertical (y-)direction;
'et2': plane stress, equibiaxial strain in x and y direction;
'ect': pure shear strain (x-compression, y-tension), plane stress
def calc_strength(vbc1, nbc1, vbc2, nbc2, sel):
fe = Model(dim=2, planestress=True)
fe.geom([size], LY=size) # define section in absolute length
fe.assign([self]) # assign material to section
fe.bcleft(0.) # fix lhs nodes in x-direction
fe.bcbot(0.) # fix bottom nodes in y-direction
fe.bcright(vbc1, nbc1) # define BC in x-direction
fe.bctop(vbc2, nbc2) # define BC in y-direction
fe.mesh(NX=Nel, NY=Nel) # create mesh
fe.solve(verb=verb, min_step=min_step) # solve mechanical equilibrium condition under BC
seq = self.calc_seq(fe.sgl) # store time dependent mechanical data of model
eeq = eps_eq(fe.egl)
peeq = eps_eq(fe.epgl)
iys = np.nonzero(peeq < 1.e-2)
ys = seq[iys[0][-1]]
self.prop[sel]['ys'] = ys
self.prop[sel]['seq'] = seq
self.prop[sel]['eeq'] = eeq
self.prop[sel]['peeq'] = peeq
seq = sig_eq_j2(fe.sgl) # store time dependent mechanical data of model
eeq = eps_eq(fe.egl)
peeq = eps_eq(fe.epgl)
iys = np.nonzero(peeq < 1.e-6) # take stress at last index of elastic regime
ys = seq[iys[0][-1]]
self.propJ2[sel]['ys'] = ys
self.propJ2[sel]['seq'] = seq
self.propJ2[sel]['eeq'] = eeq
self.propJ2[sel]['peeq'] = peeq
if sigeps:
self.sigeps[sel]['sig'] = fe.sgl
self.sigeps[sel]['eps'] = fe.egl
self.sigeps[sel]['epl'] = fe.epgl
def calc_stx():
u1 = eps * size
calc_strength(u1, 'disp', 0., 'force', 'stx')
self.prop['stx']['style'] = '-r'
self.prop['stx']['name'] = 'uniax-x'
def calc_sty():
u2 = eps * size
calc_strength(0., 'force', u2, 'disp', 'sty')
self.prop['sty']['style'] = '-b'
self.prop['sty']['name'] = 'uniax-y'
def calc_et2():
u1 = 0.4 * eps * size
u2 = 0.4 * eps * size
calc_strength(u1, 'disp', u2, 'disp', 'et2')
self.prop['et2']['style'] = '-k'
self.prop['et2']['name'] = 'equibiax'
def calc_ect():
u1 = -0.8 * eps * size
u2 = 0.8 * eps * size
calc_strength(u1, 'disp', u2, 'disp', 'ect')
self.prop['ect']['style'] = '-m'
self.prop['ect']['name'] = 'shear'
# calculate strength and stress strain data along given load paths
for case in load_cases:
if case == 'stx':
calc_stx() # uniaxial tensile yield stress in horizontal (x-)direction
elif case == 'sty':
calc_sty() # uniaxial tensile yield stress in vertical (y-)direction
elif case == 'et2':
calc_et2() # plane stress, equibiaxial strain in x and y direction
elif case == 'ect':
calc_ect() # pure shear strain (x-compression, y-tension), plane stress
warnings.warn('calc_properties: Load case not supported: {}'.format(case))
def plot_stress_strain(self, Hill=False, file=None, fontsize=14):
"""Plot stress-strain data and print values for strength. Requires
'calc_properties' to be executed beforehand and plots data stored in
attribute 'props'.
Hill : Boolean
Decide if data for Hill-type equivalent stress is presented
(optional, default: False)
file : str
Filename to save plot (optional)
fontsize : int
Fontsize for axis annotations (optional, default: 14)
legend = []
for sel in self.prop:
if self.propJ2[sel]['ys'] is not None:
print('J2 yield stress under', self.prop[sel]['name'], 'loading:',
self.propJ2[sel]['ys'].round(decimals=3), 'MPa')
plt.plot(self.propJ2[sel]['eeq'] * 100., self.propJ2[sel]['seq'], self.prop[sel]['style'])
plt.title('Material: ' + self.name, fontsize=fontsize)
plt.xlabel(r'$\epsilon_\mathrm{eq}$ (%)', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma^\mathrm{J2}_\mathrm{eq}$ (MPa)', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize - 4)
plt.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize - 4)
plt.legend(legend, loc='lower right', fontsize=fontsize)
if file is not None:
plt.savefig(file + 'J2.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300)
if Hill:
for sel in self.prop:
if self.prop[sel]['ys'] is not None:
print('Hill yield stress under', self.prop[sel]['name'], 'loading:',
self.prop[sel]['ys'].round(decimals=3), 'MPa')
plt.plot(self.prop[sel]['eeq'] * 100., self.prop[sel]['seq'], self.prop[sel]['style'])
plt.title('Material: ' + self.name, fontsize=fontsize)
plt.xlabel(r'$\epsilon_\mathrm{eq}$ (%)', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma_\mathrm{eq}$ (MPa)', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize - 4)
plt.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize - 4)
plt.legend(legend, loc='lower right', fontsize=fontsize)
if file is not None:
plt.savefig(file + 'Hill.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300)
def polar_plot_yl(self, Na=72, cmat=None, data=None, dname='reference', scaling=None,
field=False, predict=False, cbar=False, Np=100, file=None, arrow=False,
sJ2=False, show=True):
"""Plot yield locus as polar plot in deviatoric stress plane
Na : int
Number of angles on which yield locus is evaluated (optional, default: 72)
cmat : list of materials
Materials of which YL is plotted in same plot with same scaling (optional)
data : (N,3) array
Array of cylindrical stress added to plot (optional)
dname : str
Label for data (optional, default: reference)
scaling : float
Scaling factor for stresses (optional)
field : Boolean
Field of decision function is plotted, works only together with ML yield function
(optional, default: False)
predict : Boolean
Plot ML prediction (-1,1), otherwise decision fucntion is plotted (optional, default: False)
Np : int
Number of points per axis for field plot (optional, default: 100)
cbar : Boolean
Plot colorbar for field (optional, default: False)
file : str
Name of PDF file to which plot is saved
arrow : Boolean
Indicate if arrows for the pricipal stress directions are shown (optional, default: False)
sJ2 : Boolean
Indicate that J2 equivalent stress shall be used instead of material definition of
equivalent stress (optional, default: False)
if scaling is None:
sf = 1.
sf = 1. / scaling
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1, ], projection='polar')
if field and self.ML_yf:
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1., 1., Np), np.linspace(-1, 1., Np))
if self.Ndof == 2:
feat = np.c_[yy.ravel(), xx.ravel()]
elif self.Ndof == 3:
hh = -np.ones(Np * Np)
feat = np.c_[yy.ravel(), xx.ravel(), hh]
raise ValueError(
'"polar_plot_yl" currently does not support texture as degree of freedom for field plots.')
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('PuOr_r') # 'bwr' and 'PuOr_r' are good choices
if predict:
Z = self.svm_yf.predict(feat)
Z = self.svm_yf.decision_function(feat)
'symmetrize Z values'
zmin = np.amin(Z)
zmax = np.amax(Z)
if (-zmin < zmax):
Z[np.nonzero(Z > -zmin)] = -zmin
Z[np.nonzero(Z < -zmax)] = -zmax
Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
im = ax.pcolormesh(xx * np.pi, (yy + 1.) * self.scale_seq * sf, Z, cmap=cmap,
if cbar:
cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
cbar.ax.set_ylabel("yield function (MPa)", rotation=-90)
# find norm of princ. stess vector lying on yield surface
theta = np.linspace(0., 2 * np.pi, Na)
snorm = sig_cyl2princ(np.array([self.sy * np.ones(Na) * np.sqrt(1.5), theta]).T)
x1 = fsolve(self.find_yloc, np.ones(Na), args=snorm, xtol=1.e-5)
sig = snorm * np.array([x1, x1, x1]).T
if sJ2:
s_yld = sig_eq_j2(sig)
s_yld = self.calc_seq(sig)
ax.plot(theta, s_yld * sf, '-r', linewidth=2, label=self.name)
if cmat is not None:
N = len(cmat)
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('copper')
for i, mat in enumerate(cmat):
x1 = fsolve(mat.find_yloc, np.ones(Na), args=snorm, xtol=1.e-5)
sig = snorm * np.array([x1, x1, x1]).T
if sJ2:
s_yld = sig_eq_j2(sig)
s_yld = self.calc_seq(sig)
ax.plot(theta, s_yld * sf, color=cmap(i / N), linewidth=2, label=mat.name)
if data is not None:
ax.plot(data[:, 1], data[:, 0] * sf, '.b', label=dname)
if arrow:
dr = self.sy
drh = 0.08 * dr
ax.arrow(0, 0, 0, dr, head_width=0.05, width=0.004,
head_length=drh, color='r', length_includes_head=True)
ax.text(-0.12, dr * 0.89, r'$\sigma_1$', color='r', fontsize=22)
ax.arrow(2.0944, 0, 0, dr, head_width=0.05,
width=0.004, head_length=drh, color='r', length_includes_head=True)
ax.text(2.24, dr * 0.94, r'$\sigma_2$', color='r', fontsize=22)
ax.arrow(-2.0944, 0, 0, dr, head_width=0.05,
width=0.004, head_length=drh, color='r', length_includes_head=True)
ax.text(-2.04, dr * 0.97, r'$\sigma_3$', color='r', fontsize=22)
if file is not None:
plt.legend(loc=(.9, 0.95), fontsize=18)
plt.savefig(file + '.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300)
if show:
plt.legend(loc=(.9, 0.95), fontsize=18)
return ax