#Module pylabfea.data
'''Module pylabfea.data introduces the class ``Data`` for handling of data resulting
from virtual or physical mechanical tests in the pyLabFEA package. This class provides the
methods necessary for analyzing data. During this processing, all information is gathered
that is required to define a material, i.e., all parameters for elasticity, plasticity,
and microstructures are provided from the data. Materials are defined in
module pylabfea.material based on the analyzed data of this module.
uses NumPy, SciPy, MatPlotLib, Pandas
Version: 4.0 (2021-11-27)
Author: Alexander Hartmaier, ICAMS/Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Email: alexander.hartmaier@rub.de
distributed under GNU General Public License (GPLv3)'''
from pylabfea.basic import Stress, eps_eq, sig_polar_ang, sig_princ2cyl, \
sig_eq_j2, sig_cyl2princ, sig_cyl2voigt
import numpy as np
import json
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from fireworks import LaunchPad
# define labels for the data columns
sig_names = ['S11','S22','S33','S23','S13','S12']
theta_name = ['theta']
epl_names = ['Ep11','Ep22','Ep33','Ep23','Ep13','Ep12']
eps_names = ['E11','E22','E33','E23','E13','E12']
eel_names = ['Ee11','Ee22','Ee33','Ee23','Ee13','Ee12']
ebc_names = ['StrainX', 'StrainY', 'StrainZ', 'StrainYZ','StrainXZ','StrainXY']
sbc_names = ['StressX','StressY','StressZ','StressYZ','StressXZ','StressXY']
ubc_names = ['ux', 'uy', 'uz']
fbc_names = ['fx', 'fy', 'fz']
#define data class
[docs]class Data(object):
'''Define class for handling data from virtual mechanical tests in micromechanical
simulations and data from physical mechanical tests on materials with various
msl : list
List with names of JOSN files with metadata for all microstructures
path_data : str
Trunc of pathname for data files
path_json : str
Trunc of pathname for JSON metadata files (optional, default: path_data)
name : str
Name of Dataset (optional, default: 'Dataset')
sdim : int
Dimensionality of stresses; if sdim=3 only principal stresses are considered (optional, default: 6)
mirror : Boolean
Indicate if stresses shall be doubled by periodic completion of cylindrical stresses
on the deviatoric plane of the principal stress space (optional, default: False)
nth : int
Read only every nth lines of input file (optional, default: 1)
epl_crit : float
Critical plastic strain at which yield strength is defined (optional, default: 2.e-3)
d_ep : float
Range around critical value of plastic strain in which flow stresses are
evaluated (optional, default: 5.e-4)
npe : int
Number of equiv. plastic strains used for work hardening
msl : list
Nset : int
name : str
pd : str
pj : str
epc : float
dep : float
set : list
sy_av : float
E_av : float
nu_av : float
mat_param : dictionary
Contains available data for microstructural parameters ("texture", "work_hard",
"flow_stress") to be transfered to material.microstructure
flow_stress : (N,6)-array
Stress-strain data (Voigt stress tensors at each PEEQ in "work_hard")
def __init__(self, msl, path_data=None, path_json=None,
host=None, port=17000, username="user", password="password",
name='Dataset', sdim=6, mirror=False,
epl_crit=2.e-3, d_ep=5.e-4, epl_max=0.03, npe=1, plot=False, nth=1):
def calc_grid_val():
#for each load case in each set: interpolate flow stress to fixed PEEQ grid
Nlc = self.mat_param['Nlc']
sf = np.zeros((self.Nset,npe,Nlc,self.sdim))
sflow_av = np.zeros((self.Nset,npe))
for iset, dset in enumerate(self.set): # loop over data sets
if not self.flow_stress:
#data for stress tensor at yield onset provided in data
if self.sdim==3:
sf[iset,0,:,:] = dset.syc
sf[iset,0,:,:] = dset.sig
sflow_av[iset,0] = np.average(dset.syc[:,0]) # average seq over polar angles
i = 2 if mirror else 1
N0 = int(Nlc/i)
N1 = len(dset.load_case)
x0 = np.linspace(0,1,N0)
x1 = np.linspace(0,1,N1)
y1 = np.linspace(0,N1-1,N1)
ilc = np.interp(x0,x1,y1).astype(int)
for ipeeq, peeq in enumerate(self.mat_param['work_hard']): # loop over PEEQS for which flow stresses are required
hs = []
ht = []
for i in range(N0): # loop over load cases for each level of PEEQ
#this should be generalized for the case that Nlc varies strongly over the sets
ind = dset.load_case[ilc[i]] # indices of data points belonging to this load case
#select data points above and below peeq
iel = np.nonzero(dset.peeq_full[ind]<peeq)[0] # find elastic data sets in load case
if len(iel)==0:
iel = [0]
ipl = np.nonzero(dset.peeq_full[ind]>=peeq)[0] # find plastic data sets in load case
if len(ipl)==0:
ipl = [len(ind)-1]
eel = dset.peeq_full[ind[iel[-1]]] # last data point < peeq
epl = dset.peeq_full[ind[ipl[0]]] # first data point > peeq
if self.sdim==3:
s0 = dset.sc_full[ind[iel[-1]],0] # largest flow stress below peeq
s1 = dset.sc_full[ind[ipl[0]],0] # smallest flow stress above peeq
s0 = dset.sig[ind[iel[-1]],:] # largest flow stress below peeq
s1 = dset.sig[ind[ipl[0]],:] # smallest flow stress above peeq
ds = s1 - s0 # difference in seq b/w data points around peeq
de = epl - eel # difference in peeq for closest data points
if np.abs(de)<1.e-6:
sint = s0 + (peeq-eel)*ds/de # linearly interpolated equiv. flow stress at peeq
if self.sdim==3:
theta = dset.sc_full[ind[iel[-1]],1] # polar angle (not interpolated)
hs.append(sint) # append interpolated equiv. flow stress
ht.append(theta) # append original polar angle of load case
if mirror:
hs.append(sint) # append twice to consider tension compression symmetry in material
theta -= np.pi # mirror polar angle
if theta<-np.pi:
theta += 2*np.pi
ht.append(theta) # append mirrored polar angles
hs.append(sint) # append interpolated flow stress at PEEQ
if mirror:
hs.append(-sint) # append mirrored flow stress values
ind = np.argsort(ht) # sort w.r.t. polar angle
ie = len(hs)
if self.sdim==3:
ind = np.argsort(ht) # sort w.r.t. polar angle
sf[iset,ipeeq,0:ie,0] = np.array(hs)[ind] # first component: seq
sf[iset,ipeeq,0:ie,1] = np.array(ht)[ind] # second component: polar angle
sflow_av[iset,ipeeq] = np.average(hs) # average seq over polar angles
ht = np.array(hs)
sf[iset,ipeeq,0:ie,:] = ht # store flow stresses for texture and PEEQ
sflow_av[iset,ipeeq] = np.average(sig_eq_j2(ht)) # calculate average equiv. flow stress
return sf, sflow_av
self.name = name
if sdim!=3 and sdim!=6:
raise ValueError('Value of sdim must be either 3 or 6')
self.sdim = sdim
self.mirror = mirror
self.nth = nth
self.epc = epl_crit
self.dep = d_ep
self.set = []
self.flow_stress = None
self.predef = False
#import and pre-process data of all microstructure
if path_data is not None:
self.pd = path_data
if path_json is not None:
self.pj = path_json
self.pj = self.pd
# data is read as CSV from given path
self.Nset = len(msl)
for name in msl:
self.set.append(self.Set_CSV(self, name, plot=plot))
elif host is not None:
# data is read from mongo database on server
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.user = username
self.pw = password
self.Nset = len(msl)
for name in msl:
self.set.append(self.Set_DB(self, name, plot=plot))
#data is read from given data
self.Nset = 1
self.set.append(self.Set_Data(self, msl, name))
#calculate average properties over all microstructures
prop = np.zeros(3)
micr = []
name = []
peeq_min = epl_max # minimum final equiv. plastic strain reached in sets
Nlc_min = 1000 # minimum number of load cases reached in sets
ttyp = self.set[-1].texture_type
for dset in self.set:
prop += np.array([dset.sy, dset.E, dset.nu])
if self.flow_stress:
peeq_min = np.minimum(peeq_min, 0.8*np.amax(dset.peeq_full)) #dset.peeq_full[-10])
Nlc_min = np.minimum(Nlc_min, dset.Nlc)
#Nlc_min = np.minimum(Nlc_min, i*len(dset.load_case))
peeq_min = self.epc
Nlc_min = np.minimum(Nlc_min, dset.Nlc)
if dset.texture_type!=ttyp and dset.texture_type!='Random':
warnings.warn('Warning: Different texture types mixed in data set '+str(name))
prop /= self.Nset # average properties over all microstructures
self.sy_av = prop[0] # information needed when material.plasticity is initiated
self.E_av = prop[1] # information needed when material.elasticity is initiated
self.nu_av = prop[2]
print('\n### Data set "%s" ###' % (self.name))
print('Type of microstructure: ', ttyp)
print('Imported %i data sets for textures, with %i hardening stages and %i load cases each.' %(self.Nset, npe, Nlc_min))
print('Averaged properties : E_av=%5.2f GPa, nu_av=%4.2f, sy_av=%4.2f MPa' % (self.E_av/1000, self.nu_av, self.sy_av))
self.mat_param = { # this information of the data will be copied into the material upon definition of its microstructure
'ms_type' : ttyp, # unimodal texture type
'sdim' : sdim, # dimnesionaltiy of stress values in data (3: only princ. stresses, 6: full stresses)
'Npl' : npe, # number of PEEQ values
'Nlc' : Nlc_min, # number of load cases covered in data (minimum of load cases reached over all sets)
'Ntext' : self.Nset, # number of microstructures covered by sets
'texture' : np.array(micr), # texture parameter: mixture parameter ms_type wrt random
'tx_name' : name, # list of names of different textures
'peeq_max' : peeq_min, # maximum PEEQ covered in data (must be minimum of value reached over all sets)
'epc' : epl_crit, # critical PEEQ for with yield stress is defined
'work_hard' : np.linspace(epl_crit,peeq_min,npe), # values of PEEQ for which flow stresses are available
'E_av' : self.E_av, # Young's modulus
'nu_av' : self.nu_av,# Poisson ratio
'sy_av' : self.sy_av # yield strength
syld = np.zeros((self.Nset,Nlc_min,6)) # Voigt stress tensor at onset of yielding
for iset, dset in enumerate(self.set): # loop over data sets
syld[iset,:,:] = dset.syld[0:Nlc_min,:]
self.mat_param['sig_yld'] = syld
if self.Nset>1 or npe>1:
sf, sflow_av = calc_grid_val()
sflow_av = np.array([[self.set[0].sy]]) # average flow stress
sf = np.zeros((1,1,Nlc_min,self.sdim))
if self.sdim==3:
sf[0,0,:,:] = sig_princ2cyl(dset.syld[0:Nlc_min,:])
sf[0,0,:,:] = dset.syld[0:Nlc_min,:]
self.mat_param['flow_stress'] = sf # flow stresses at PEEQs in 'work_hard' for each texture
self.mat_param['flow_seq_av'] = sflow_av # averaged equiv. flow stresses at PEEQs in 'work_hard' for each texture
[docs] class Set_CSV(object):
'''Define class for handling of a CSV dataset for one individual material. At
least stress data must be provided in dataset. Strain data must be provided
for class "Flow_Stress", if only total strain is given, plastic strain is
assumed to be equal to total strain.
db : object of type ``Data``
Parent database from which properties are inherited
name : str
Name of JSON file with metadata for microstructure to be stored in this dataset
plot : Boolean
Graphical output of data in each set (optional, default: False)
db : object of class ``Data``
name : str
N : int
Number of imported data points
Ndat : int
Number of raw data points (filtered data lying around yield point mirrored wrt polar angle)
Nlc : int
Number of load cases in raw data
E, nu : float
Elastic parameters obtained from data
sy : float
Yield strength obtained from data
texture_param : float
Microstructure parameter for texture
eps, epl, eel, sig, ubc, sc_full : (N,) array
sfc_ : (Ndat,3) array
Filtered cyl. stress tensor around yield point
peeq_ : (Ndat,) array
Filtered equiv. plastic strain around yield point
ubc_ : (Ndat,db.sdim) array
Filtered boundary condition vector around yield point
sig_ : (Ndat,db.sdim) array
Filtered stress tensor around yield point (princ. stresses for sdim=3)
f_yld_ : (Ndat,) array
Categorial yield function of data points around yield point ("-1": elastic, "+1": plastic)
i_el_ : (Ndat,) array
Filtered indeces of data points lying in elastic regime
i_pl_ : (Ndat,) array
Filtered indeces for data points lying in plastic regime
syc : (Nlc,3) array
Yield strength: interpolated cyl. stress tensor at onset of yielding for individual load cases
load_case : list
List of lists with data set indices belonging to one single load case from full data
(index space: [0,N])
lc_ : list
List of lists with data set indices belonging to one single load case from filtered data
around yield point (index space: [0,Ndat])
def __init__(self, db, name, plot=False):
self.name = name
self.db = db
eps_0 = 0.
sig_0 = 0.
epl_0 = 0.
#import metadata from json file
with open(db.pj+name+'.json') as f:
self.meta = json.load(f)
sep = self.meta['CSV_separator']
file = db.pd + self.meta['CSV_data']
names = self.meta['CSV_format'].split(sep)
hh = self.meta['CSV_header']
if hh=='None':
header = None
header = int(hh)
warnings.warn('No header specified in meta data, assuming a header line exists')
header = 1
dtype = self.meta['Class']
if dtype == 'Flow_Stress':
if db.flow_stress is None:
db.flow_stress = True
elif not db.flow_stress:
raise ValueError('Incompatible data sets: Yield_Stress and Flow-Stress classes cannot be mixed.')
elif dtype == 'Yield_Stress':
if db.flow_stress is None:
db.flow_stress = False
elif db.flow_stress:
raise ValueError('Incompatible data sets: Yield_Stress and Flow-Stress classes cannot be mixed.')
elif dtype == 'Predeformed':
if db.flow_stress is None:
db.flow_stress = True
db.predef = True
elif not db.flow_stress:
raise ValueError('Incompatible data sets: Yield_Stress and Flow-Stress classes cannot be mixed.')
raise ValueError('Unknown value for Class: '+str(dtype))
#import texture parameters from json file
self.texture_param = self.meta['Texture_index']
self.texture_name = self.meta['Texture_name']
self.texture_type = self.meta['Texture_type']
# read dataset from CSV file
AllData = pd.read_csv(file,header=header,names=names,sep=sep)
# analyze data and store as internal variables
# stress data must be provided
self.sig = AllData[sig_names[0:db.sdim]].to_numpy()[::db.nth]
self.N = np.shape(self.sig)[0]
if db.flow_stress:
#flow stresses are privided for various strains
#totl strain must be provided in data set
self.eps = AllData[eps_names].to_numpy()[::db.nth]
if epl_names[0] in names:
#read plastic strain if contained
self.epl = AllData[epl_names].to_numpy()[::db.nth]
#if no plastic strains are contained in data set
#plastic strain is assumed to equal total strain
self.epl = deepcopy(self.eps)
if eel_names[0] in names:
self.eel = AllData[eel_names].to_numpy()[::db.nth]
if theta_name in names:
self.theta = AllData[theta_name].to_numpy()[::db.nth]
# get information about load cases (boundary conditions)
self.ubc = np.zeros((self.N,db.sdim))
if ubc_names[0] in names:
self.ubc[:,0:3] = AllData[ubc_names].to_numpy()[::db.nth]
elif ebc_names[0] in names:
self.ubc[:,0:db.sdim] = AllData[ebc_names[0:db.sdim]].to_numpy()[::db.nth]
elif fbc_names[0] in names:
self.ubc[:,0:3] = AllData[fbc_names].to_numpy()[::db.nth]
elif sbc_names[0] in names:
self.ubc[:,0:db.sdim] = AllData[sbc_names[0:db.sdim]].to_numpy()[::db.nth]
# no data for BC found, test if information is provided in metadata
# check if information on type of boundary conditions (BC)
# is provided in meta data, either "disp" for displacement
# or "force" for force BC
lc = self.meta['CSV_BC_type']
if lc=='disp':
eeq = eps_eq(self.eps)
ind = np.nonzero(eeq<1.e-7)[0] # filter cases with small strains
eeq[ind] = 1.
self.ubc = self.eps/eeq[:,None] # generate information on load case from normalized strain
self.ubc[ind] = self.ubc[ind+1] # cases with small strains inherit ubc from subsequent case
elif lc=='force':
seq = sig_eq_j2(self.sig)
ind = np.nonzero(seq<1.e-4)[0] # filter cases with small stresses
seq[ind] = 1.
self.ubc = self.sig/seq[:,None] # generate information on load case from normalized stress
self.ubc[ind] = self.ubc[ind+1] # cases with small stress inherit ubc from subsequent case
print('Wrong BC_type provided in file ',db.pj+name+'.json: BC_type=',lc)
raise ValueError('BC_type given in meta data not supported.')
raise ValueError('No information on load cases found. Cannot process Flow_Stress-type data')
if db.predef:
# store initial stress value for data with predeformation
sig_0 = deepcopy(self.sig[0])
#self.sig -= sig_0
#input completed, now the postprocessing of the data starts
# calculate cylindrical stresses (containing equiv. stress)
if db.sdim == 3:
self.sc_full = sig_princ2cyl(self.sig) # transform princ. stresses into cylindrical coordinates
self.evec = None
self.sc_full = np.zeros((self.N,3))
self.evec = np.zeros((self.N,3,3))
for i, hsv in enumerate(self.sig):
hso = Stress(hsv) # define object of stress tensor
self.sc_full[i,:] = hso.cyl() # transform princ. stress into cylindrical stress
# store eigenvectors in form of rotation matrix from reference frame to princ. stress frame
self.evec[i,:,:] = hso.evec
# calculate equiv. strains and correct for predeformation if applicable
if db.flow_stress:
# data contains full stress-strain curves
if db.predef:
# correct starting points for strains in case of pre-deformation
self.eps -= eps_0
epl_0 = deepcopy(self.epl[0])
self.epl -= epl_0
#calculate eqiv. plastic strains
self.peeq_full = eps_eq(self.epl)
#Write essential information
print('\n*** Microstructure:',self.name,'***')
print(self.N,' data points imported into database ',self.db.name)
if db.flow_stress:
print('Data for flow stresses at various plastic strains imported.')
if db.predef:
print('\n###Mechanical data obtained after predeformation.')
print('Initial stress: ',sig_0, ' equiv. stress: ', sig_eq_j2(sig_0))
print('Initial total strain: ',eps_0, 'equiv. total strain', eps_eq(eps_0))
print('Initial plastic strain: ',epl_0, 'equiv. plastic strain: ',eps_eq(epl_0))
print('Initial values have been subtracted from stress-strain data.')
print('Texture ', self.texture_name, 'with texture parameter: ',self.texture_param)
#Consistency checks
if np.amax(np.abs(self.sc_full[:,2])) > 1.:
h1 = str(np.amin(self.sc_full[:,2]))
h2 = str(np.amax(self.sc_full[:,2]))
warnings.warn('*** Warning: Large hydrostatic stresses: minimum p='+h1+' MPa, maximum p='+h2+' MPa')
if not db.flow_stress:
#data provided only for stress tensor at yield point
self.syc = sig_princ2cyl(self.sig) # critical cylindrical stress tensor at yield onset
self.syld = np.zeros((self.N,6))
self.syld[:,0:db.sdim] = self.sig
self.sy = np.average(self.syc[:,0]) # average value for yield strength of data set
self.Nlc = self.N
self.Ndat = self.N
print('Estimated yield strength: %5.2f MPa, from %i data sets with PEEQ %5.3f'
if "Prop_E" in self.meta:
self.E = self.meta['Prop_E']
print("Young's modulus provided in meta data:",self.E)
self.E = None
if "Prop_nu" in self.meta:
self.nu = self.meta['Prop_nu']
print("Poisson ratio provided in meta data:", self.nu)
self.nu = None
#data is provided for flow stress at various plastic strains
#filter load cases for complete stress-strain data
self.load_case = [] # list of lists with data set indices belonging to one load case
hh = [0]
uvec = self.ubc[0,:]
toler = 1.e-2*np.linalg.norm(uvec)
for i in range(1,self.N):
if np.linalg.norm(self.ubc[i,:]-uvec) < toler:
if len(hh)>2:
hh = [i]
uvec = self.ubc[i,:]
if len(hh)>2:
print('Number of load cases identified in original data:',len(self.load_case))
#select data points close to yield point => yield strength sy and raw data for ML flow rule
ind = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(self.peeq_full>db.epc-db.dep, self.peeq_full<db.epc+db.dep))[0]
if len(ind)<10:
warnings.warn('***Warning: too few data points around yield criterion:'+str(len(ind))+', '\
+str(ind)+', '+str(db.epc)+', '+str(db.dep))
self.Ndat = len(ind)
scyl_raw = self.sc_full[ind]
self.sy = np.average(scyl_raw[:,0]) # get first estimate of yield point, will be refined later
if db.mirror:
#mirror stress data w.r.t. theta in deviatoric stress space
peeq_raw = self.peeq_full[ind]
sc2 = np.zeros((self.Ndat,2))
sc2[:,0] = scyl_raw[:,0]
sc2[:,1] = scyl_raw[:,1]-np.pi
ih = np.nonzero(sc2[:,1]<-np.pi)[0]
sc2[ih,1] += 2*np.pi
#calculate associated load vector for boundary conditions
hs1 = self.sig[ind,:] # original stresses
hs2 = np.array(hs1) # mirrored stresses
sign = np.sign(np.sum(hs1*hs2, axis=1)) # filter stress components where sign has changed by mirroring
ubc2 = self.ubc[ind]*sign[:,None] # change sign accordingly in BC vector
#add mirrored data to flow stresses and augment plastic strain arrays accordingly
self.Ndat *= 2 # number of data points in raw data
self.sfc_ = np.append(scyl_raw[:,0:2], sc2, axis=0)
self.peeq_ = np.append(peeq_raw, peeq_raw, axis=0)
self.ubc_ = np.append(self.ubc[ind], ubc2, axis=0)
if db.sdim == 3:
self.sig_ = sig_cyl2princ(self.sfc_) # transform back into 3D principle stress space
self.sig_ = np.zeros((self.Ndat,6))
for i,sc in enumerate(self.sfc_):
self.sig_[i,:] = sig_cyl2voigt(sc, self.evec[i,:,:])
self.sfc_ = self.sc_full[ind]
self.peeq_ = self.peeq_full[ind]
self.ubc_ = self.ubc[ind]
self.sig_ = self.sig[ind]
#calculate yield function of raw data
self.f_yld_ = np.sign(self.peeq_ - db.epc)
self.i_el_ = np.nonzero(self.f_yld_<0.)[0]
self.i_pl_ = np.nonzero(self.f_yld_>=0.)[0]
#filter load cases for selected data around yield point
self.lc_ = [] # list of lists with data set indices belonging to one load case
hh = [0]
uvec = self.ubc_[0,:]
#print('First load case: ', uvec)
for i in range(1,self.Ndat):
if np.linalg.norm(self.ubc_[i,:]-uvec) < toler:
if len(hh) > 2:
#print('Load case selection', i, uvec, hh[0],hh[-1])
uvec = self.ubc_[i,:]
hh = [i]
if len(hh) > 2:
self.Nlc = len(self.lc_)
print('Number of load cases: ',self.Nlc, '; with ',self.Ndat, ' data points around yield point')
#for each load case: interpolate flow stress to fixed PEEQ
hs = [] # help array for equiv stress (seq) at yielding
ht = [] # help array for polar angle (theta) at yielding
hv = [] # help array for Voigt stress at yielding
for i in range(self.Nlc):
ind = self.lc_[i]
iel = np.nonzero(self.f_yld_[ind]<0.)[0] # find elastic data sets in load case
ipl = np.nonzero(self.f_yld_[ind]>=0.)[0] # find plastic data sets in load case
if len(iel)==0 or len(ipl)==0:
print('**Load case', i, 'not enough data points around yield point. iel=',iel,'ipl=',ipl)
self.Nlc -= 1
# difference in seq b/w first plastic and last elastic data point
dseq = self.sfc_[ind[ipl[0]],0] - self.sfc_[ind[iel[-1]],0]
# difference in full stress b/w first plastic and last elastic data point
dsig = self.sig_[ind[ipl[0]],0] - self.sig_[ind[iel[-1]],0]
# difference in peeq b/w first plastic and last elastic data point
de = self.peeq_[ind[ipl[0]]] - self.peeq_[ind[iel[-1]]]
# difference in peeq b/w nominal yield strain and last elastic data point
dint = db.epc-self.peeq_[ind[iel[-1]]]
# linearly interpolated equiv. stress at yield onset
hs.append(self.sfc_[ind[iel[-1]],0] + dseq*dint/de)
ht.append(self.sfc_[ind[iel[-1]],1]) # polar angle of load case
hv.append(self.sig_[ind[iel[-1]],:] + dsig*dint/de)
ind = np.argsort(ht) # sort w.r.t. polar angle
self.syc = np.zeros((self.Nlc,3)) # critical cylindrical stress tensor at yield onset
self.syc[:,0] = np.array(hs)[ind] # first component: seq
self.syc[:,1] = np.array(ht)[ind] # second component: polar angle
self.syld = np.zeros((len(ind),6))
self.syld[:,0:db.sdim] = np.array(hv)[ind] # full Voigt stress at yield onset
self.sy = np.average(self.syc[:,0]) # refined value for yield strength of data set
#select data points with eqiv. stress in range [0.1,0.4]sy => elastic constants
seq = sig_eq_j2(self.sig)
ind1 = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(seq>0.1*self.sy, seq<0.4*self.sy))[0]
seq = sig_eq_j2(self.sig[ind1])
eeq = eps_eq(self.eps[ind1])
self.E = np.average(seq/eeq)
self.nu = 0.3
print('Estimated elastic constants: E=%5.2f GPa, nu=%4.2f' % (self.E/1000, self.nu))
print('Estimated yield strength: %5.2f MPa, from %i data sets with PEEQ approx. %5.3f'
if "Prop_E" in self.meta:
print("Young's modulus provided in meta data:",self.meta['Prop_E'])
if "Prop_nu" in self.meta:
print("Poisson ratio provided in meta data:", self.meta['Prop_nu'])
if plot:
[docs] class Set_DB(object):
'''Define class for handling of a dataset from a Mongo databse
db : object of type ``Data``
Parent database from which properties are inherited
name : str
Name of JSON file with metadata for microstructure to be stored in this dataset
plot : Boolean
Graphical output of data in each set (optional, default: False)
db : object of class ``Data``
name : str
N : int
Number of imported data points
Ndat : int
Number of raw data points (filtered data lying around yield point mirrored wrt polar angle)
Nlc : int
Number of load cases in raw data
E, nu : float
Elastic parameters obtained from data
sy : float
Yield strength obtained from data
texture_param : float
Microstructure parameter for texture
eps, epl, eel, sig, ubc, sc_full : (N,) array
sfc_ : (Ndat,3) array
Filtered cyl. stress tensor around yield point
peeq_ : (Ndat,) array
Filtered equiv. plastic strain around yield point
ubc_ : (Ndat,db.sdim) array
Filtered boundary condition vector around yield point
sig_ : (Ndat,db.sdim) array
Filtered stress tensor around yield point (princ. stresses for sdim=3)
f_yld_ : (Ndat,) array
Categorial yield function of data points around yield point ("-1": elastic, "+1": plastic)
i_el_ : (Ndat,) array
Filtered indeces of data points lying in elastic regime
i_pl_ : (Ndat,) array
Filtered indeces for data points lying in plastic regime
syc : (Nlc,3) array
Yield strength: interpolated cyl. stress tensor at onset of yielding for individual load cases
load_case : list
List of lists with data set indices belonging to one single load case from full data
(index space: [0,N])
lc_ : list
List of lists with data set indices belonging to one single load case from filtered data
around yield point (index space: [0,Ndat])
def __init__(self, db, name, plot=False):
self.name = name
self.db = db
eps_0 = 0.
sig_0 = 0.
epl_0 = 0.
if db.flow_stress is None:
db.flow_stress = True
elif not db.flow_stress:
raise ValueError('Incompatible data sets: Yield_Stress and Flow-Stress classes cannot be mixed.')
lpad = LaunchPad(host=db.host, port=db.port, username=db.user, password=db.pw)
pipeline = [
{'$lookup': # to joind
{'from' : 'launches', # with $launches collection
'localField' : 'fw_id', # using the same "fw_id" in $fireworks collection
'foreignField' : 'fw_id', # and in in $launches collection
'as' : 'launches'} # and named it as $launches
{'$unwind': '$launches'}, # has to be so for convenience
{'$match': # filter only those entries, where
{'state' : 'COMPLETED', # $fireworks.state == COMPLETED
'spec.material_inp_id' : name, # and that have $fireworks.spec.material_inp_id==random
"launches.action.update_spec.results_json": {"$exists":"true"} # and for which the "result_json" exists
# how to rename the output data
"_id":0, # system field "_id" we don't need
'fw_id':1, # we need "fw_id" just for info
'spec':1, # we need complete "spec"
'results_json':'$launches.action.update_spec.results_json' # we need complete "results_json" from $launches.action.update_spec
cursor = fireworks_db.aggregate(pipeline)
tot_df= pd.DataFrame(joined_queried_data)
tot_df["material_inp_id"]=tot_df["spec"].map(lambda d: d["material_inp_id"])
data = tot_df.results_json
#define texture parameters
#should be read from meta data in database
self.texture_param = 1.0
self.texture_name = tot_df["material_inp_id"][0]
self.texture_type = tot_df["material_inp_id"][0]
##################### header #############################
# S : stress
# Ee: elastic strain
# Ep: plastic strain
# E : total strain
# F : force BC
# S11,S22,S33,S12,S13,S23,
# Ee11,Ee22,Ee33,Ee12,Ee13,Ee23,
# Ep11,Ep22,Ep33,Ep12,Ep13,Ep23,
# E11,E22,E33,E12,E13,E23,
# F11,F22,F33,F23,F13,F12.
# index: S : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
# Ee: 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,
# Ep:12,13,14,15,16,17,
# E :18,19,20,21,22,23
# F :24,25,26,27,28,29
#concatenate load cases for complete stress-strain data into arrays
self.load_case = [] # list of lists with data set indices belonging to one load case
istart = 0
for ds in data:
ls = len(ds)
self.load_case.append(list(range(istart, istart+ls)))
istart += ls
self.N = istart
self.sig = np.zeros((istart,db.sdim))
self.eps = np.zeros((istart,db.sdim))
self.epl = np.zeros((istart,db.sdim))
self.ubc = np.zeros((istart,db.sdim))
for i, ds in enumerate(data):
sel = np.array(ds)
ind = self.load_case[i]
self.sig[ind,:] = sel[:,0:db.sdim]
self.epl[ind,:] = sel[:,12:12+db.sdim]
self.eps[ind,:] = sel[:,18:18+db.sdim]
self.ubc[ind,:] = sel[:,24:24+db.sdim]
self.peeq_full = eps_eq(self.epl) #calculate eqiv. plastic strains
if db.predef:
sig_0 = deepcopy(self.sig[0])
#self.sig -= sig_0
# correct starting points for strains in case of pre-deformation
self.eps -= eps_0
epl_0 = deepcopy(self.epl[0])
self.epl -= epl_0
if db.sdim == 3:
self.sc_full = sig_princ2cyl(self.sig) # transform pinc. stresses into cylindrical coordinates
self.evec = None
self.sc_full = np.zeros((self.N,3))
self.evec = np.zeros((self.N,3,3))
for i, hsv in enumerate(self.sig):
hso = Stress(hsv) # define object of stress tensor
self.sc_full[i,:] = hso.cyl() # transform princ. stress into cylindrical stress
# store eigenvectors in form of rotation matrix from reference frame to princ. stress frame
self.evec[i,:,:] = hso.evec
print('\n*** Microstructure:',self.name,'***')
print(self.N,' data points imported into database ',self.db.name)
if db.flow_stress:
print('Data for flow stresses at various plastic strains imported.')
if db.predef:
print('\n###Mechanical data obtained after predeformation.')
print('Initial stress: ',sig_0, ' equiv. stress: ', sig_eq_j2(sig_0))
print('Initial total strain: ',eps_0, 'equiv. total strain', eps_eq(eps_0))
print('Initial plastic strain: ',epl_0, 'equiv. plastic strain: ',eps_eq(epl_0))
print('Initial values have been subtracted from stress-strain data.')
print('Texture ', self.texture_name, 'with texture parameter: ',self.texture_param)
#Consistency checks
if np.amax(np.abs(self.sc_full[:,2])) > 1.:
h1 = str(np.amin(self.sc_full[:,2]))
h2 = str(np.amax(self.sc_full[:,2]))
warnings.warn('*** Warning: Large hydrostatic stresses: minimum p='+h1+' MPa, maximum p='+h2+' MPa')
#data is provided for flow stress at various plastic strains
#select data points close to yield point => yield strength sy and raw data for ML flow rule
ind = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(self.peeq_full>db.epc-db.dep, self.peeq_full<db.epc+db.dep))[0]
if len(ind)<10:
warnings.warn('***Warning: too few data points around yield criterion:'+str(len(ind))+', '\
+str(ind)+', '+str(db.epc)+', '+str(db.dep))
self.Ndat = len(ind)
scyl_raw = self.sc_full[ind]
self.sy = np.average(scyl_raw[:,0]) # get first estimate of yield point, will be refined later
if db.mirror:
#mirror stress data at yield point
hs2 = - deepcopy(self.sig[ind,:])
#calculate associated load vector for boundary conditions
ubc2 = - deepcopy(self.ubc[ind,:]) # change sign accordingly in BC vector
peeq_raw = self.peeq_full[ind]
#add mirrored data to flow stresses and augment plastic strain arrays accordingly
self.Ndat *= 2 # number of data points in raw data
self.sig_ = np.append(self.sig[ind,:], hs2, axis=0)
self.sfc_ = sig_princ2cyl(self.sig_)
self.peeq_ = np.append(peeq_raw, peeq_raw, axis=0)
self.ubc_ = np.append(self.ubc[ind], ubc2, axis=0)
self.sig_ = self.sig[ind]
self.sfc_ = self.sc_full[ind]
self.peeq_ = self.peeq_full[ind]
self.ubc_ = self.ubc[ind]
#calculate yield function of raw data
self.f_yld_ = np.sign(self.peeq_ - db.epc)
self.i_el_ = np.nonzero(self.f_yld_<0.)[0]
self.i_pl_ = np.nonzero(self.f_yld_>=0.)[0]
#filter load cases for selected data around yield point
self.lc_ = [] # list of lists with data set indices belonging to one load case
hh = [0]
uvec = self.ubc_[0,:]
#print('First load case: ', uvec)
for i in range(1,self.Ndat):
if np.linalg.norm(self.ubc_[i,:]-uvec) < 1.e-4:
if len(hh) > 2:
uvec = self.ubc_[i,:]
hh = [i]
if len(hh) > 2:
self.Nlc = len(self.lc_)
print('Number of load cases: ',self.Nlc, '; with ',self.Ndat, ' data points around yield point')
#for each load case: interpolate flow stress to fixed PEEQ
hs = [] # help array for equiv stress (seq) at yielding
ht = [] # help array for polar angle (theta) at yielding
hv = [] # help array for Voigt stress at yielding
for i in range(self.Nlc):
ind = self.lc_[i]
iel = np.nonzero(self.f_yld_[ind]<0.)[0] # find elastic data sets in load case
ipl = np.nonzero(self.f_yld_[ind]>=0.)[0] # find plastic data sets in load case
if len(iel)==0 or len(ipl)==0:
print('**Load case', i, 'not enough data points around yield point. iel=',iel,'ipl=',ipl)
self.Nlc -= 1
# difference in seq b/w first plastic and last elastic data point
dseq = self.sfc_[ind[ipl[0]],0] - self.sfc_[ind[iel[-1]],0]
# difference in full stress b/w first plastic and last elastic data point
dsig = self.sig_[ind[ipl[0]],0] - self.sig_[ind[iel[-1]],0]
# difference in peeq b/w first plastic and last elastic data point
de = self.peeq_[ind[ipl[0]]] - self.peeq_[ind[iel[-1]]]
# difference in peeq b/w nominal yield strain and last elastic data point
dint = db.epc-self.peeq_[ind[iel[-1]]]
# linearly interpolated equiv. stress at yield onset
hs.append(self.sfc_[ind[iel[-1]],0] + dseq*dint/de)
ht.append(self.sfc_[ind[iel[-1]],1]) # polar angle of load case
hv.append(self.sig_[ind[iel[-1]],:] + dsig*dint/de)
ind = np.argsort(ht) # sort w.r.t. polar angle
self.syc = np.zeros((self.Nlc,3)) # critical cylindrical stress tensor at yield onset
self.syc[:,0] = np.array(hs)[ind] # first component: seq
self.syc[:,1] = np.array(ht)[ind] # second component: polar angle
self.syld = np.zeros((len(ind),6))
self.syld[:,0:db.sdim] = np.array(hv)[ind] # full Voigt stress at yield onset
self.sy = np.average(self.syc[:,0]) # refined value for yield strength of data set
#select data points with eqiv. stress in range [0.1,0.4]sy => elastic constants
seq = sig_eq_j2(self.sig)
ind1 = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(seq>0.1*self.sy, seq<0.4*self.sy))[0]
seq = sig_eq_j2(self.sig[ind1])
eeq = eps_eq(self.eps[ind1])
self.E = np.average(seq/eeq)
self.nu = 0.3
print('Estimated elastic constants: E=%5.2f GPa, nu=%4.2f' % (self.E/1000, self.nu))
print('Estimated yield strength: %5.2f MPa, from %i data sets with PEEQ approx. %5.3f'
if plot:
[docs] class Set_Data(object):
'''Generate set from input data'''
def __init__(self, db, sig, name):
#data provided only for stress tensor at yield point
if db.mirror:
sig = np.append(sig, -sig, axis=0)
self.N = len(sig)
self.sig = sig
self.syc = sig_princ2cyl(sig) # critical cylindrical stress tensor at yield onset
self.syld = sig
self.sy = np.average(self.syc[:,0]) # average value for yield strength of data set
self.Nlc = self.N
self.Ndat = self.N
self.texture_type = 'Goss-100%'
self.texture_param = 1.
self.texture_name ='Goss'
self.E = 151220.
self.nu = 0.3
[docs] def plot_yield_locus(self, active, set_ind=0, scatter=False, data=None, data_label=None,
arrow=False, file=None, title=None, fontsize=18):
'''Plot yield loci of imported microstructures in database.
active : str
'flow_stress', 'work_hard' or 'texture', selct which parameter to vary for set of plots
set_ind : int
select data set for work hardening plots (corresponds to level of plastic strain) (optional, default: 0)
scatter : Boolean
defines if raw data points are plotted (optional, default: False)
data : (N,3) or (N,2) array
additional data to plot in form of cylindrical stresses (optional, default: None)
data_label : str
label for legend of additional data (optional, default: None)
arrow : Boolean
indicate if arrows for principal stress directions are drawn (optional, default: False)
file : str
filename for output (optional, default: None (no output))
title : str
title for plot (optional, default: None)
fontsize : int
specifies fontsize used in plot (optional, default: 18)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'}, figsize=(15, 8))
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('viridis', 10)
#ms_max = np.amax(self.mat_param[active])
Ndat = len(self.mat_param[active])
v0 = self.mat_param[active][0]
scale = self.mat_param[active][-1] - v0
if np.any(np.abs(scale)<1.e-3):
scale = 1.
for i in range(Ndat):
val = self.mat_param[active][i]
hc = (val-v0)/scale
if active=='work_hard':
sc = self.mat_param['flow_stress'][set_ind,i,:,:]
if self.sdim==6:
sc = sig_princ2cyl(sc)
ind = np.argsort(sc[:,1]) # sort dta points w.r.t. polar angle
sc = sc[ind]
label = 'PEEQ: '+str(val.round(decimals=4))
color = cmap(hc)
elif active=='texture':
sc = self.mat_param['flow_stress'][i,0,:,:]
if self.sdim==6:
sc = sig_princ2cyl(sc)
ind = np.argsort(sc[:,1]) # sort dta points w.r.t. polar angle
sc = sc[ind]
label = self.set[i].texture_name
color = (hc,0,1-hc)
elif active=='flow_stress':
sc = self.mat_param['flow_stress'][0,0,:,:]
ax.plot(sc[:,1], sc[:,0], '.r', label='shear')
sc = self.mat_param['flow_stress'][0,0,:,:]
label = 'Flow Stress'
color = 'b'
raise ValueError('Undefined value for active field in "plot_yield_locus"')
if scatter:
ax.plot(sc[:,1], sc[:,0], '.m', label=label)
if data is not None:
ax.plot(data[:,1], data[:,0], '.r', label=data_label)
ax.plot(sc[:,1], sc[:,0], label=label, color=color)
plt.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize-4)
plt.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize-4)
if arrow:
dr = self.sy_av
drh = 0.08*dr
plt.arrow(0, 0, 0, dr, head_width=0.05, width=0.004,
head_length=drh, color='r', length_includes_head=True)
plt.text(-0.12, dr*0.87, r'$\sigma_1$', color='r',fontsize=22)
plt.arrow(2.0944, 0, 0, dr, head_width=0.05,
width=0.004, head_length=drh, color='r', length_includes_head=True)
plt.text(2.26, dr*0.92, r'$\sigma_2$', color='r',fontsize=22)
plt.arrow(-2.0944, 0, 0, dr, head_width=0.05,
width=0.004, head_length=drh, color='r', length_includes_head=True)
plt.text(-2.04, dr*0.95, r'$\sigma_3$', color='r',fontsize=22)
if title is not None:
if file is not None:
plt.savefig(file+'.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300)
[docs] def plot_set(self, dset, file=None, nth=15, fontsize=18):
'''Graphical output of equiv. stress vs. equic. total strain for selected load cases and
raw data in deviatoric cyl. stress space
file : str
Write graph to pdf file (optional)
nth : int
Plot every nth load case (optional, default: 18)
fontsize : 20
Fontsize for plot (optional, default: 20)
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('viridis', 10)
N = len(dset.load_case)
for i in range(0,N,nth):
ind = dset.load_case[i]
col = sig_polar_ang(dset.sig[ind[-1]])/np.pi
plt.plot(eps_eq(dset.eps[ind])*100, sig_eq_j2(dset.sig[ind]), color=cmap(col)) #'.k')
plt.xlabel(r'$\epsilon_{eq}^\mathrm{tot}$ (%)', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma_{eq}$ (MPa)', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.title('Equiv. total strain vs. equiv. J2 stress', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize-4)
plt.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize-4)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) #, projection='polar')
plt.plot(dset.sfc_[dset.i_pl_,1], dset.sfc_[dset.i_pl_,0], 'or')
plt.plot(dset.sfc_[dset.i_el_,1], dset.sfc_[dset.i_el_,0], 'ob')
plt.plot(dset.syc[:,1], dset.syc[:,0], '-k')
plt.plot([-np.pi, np.pi], [dset.sy, dset.sy], '--k')
plt.legend(['raw data above yield point', 'raw data below yield point',
'interpolated yield strength', 'average yield strength'],loc=(1.04,0.8),fontsize=fontsize-2)
plt.title('Raw data '+dset.name, fontsize=fontsize)
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (rad)', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma_{eq}$ (MPa)', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize-4)
plt.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize-4)
if file is not None:
plt.savefig(file+dset.texture_name+'.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300)